[Git][reproducible-builds/reproducible-website][master] 2023-01: Add Akihiro's February post to the January report as it mentions...

Chris Lamb (@lamby) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Feb 3 21:19:28 UTC 2023

Chris Lamb pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / reproducible-website

292ad6fb by Chris Lamb at 2023-02-03T13:18:45-08:00
2023-01: Add Akihiro's February post to the January report as it mentions their upcoming FOSDEM talk.

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- _reports/2023-01.md
- + images/reports/2023-01/fosdem.jpeg


@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ Noak Jönsson has written an interesting paper entitled [*The State of Software
 Yongkui Han posted to [our mailing list](https://lists.reproducible-builds.org/pipermail/rb-general/) discussing [making reproducible builds & GitBOM work together without gitBOM-ID embedding](https://lists.reproducible-builds.org/pipermail/rb-general/2023-January/002813.html). GitBOM (now renamed to [OmniBOR](https://omnibor.io/)) is a project to "enable automatic, verifiable artifact resolution across today's diverse software supply-chains" [[…](https://omnibor.io/)]. In addition, Fabian Keil wrote to us asking whether [anyone in the community would be at Chemnitz Linux Days 2023](https://lists.reproducible-builds.org/pipermail/rb-general/2023-January/002811.html), which is due to take place on 11th and 12th March ([event info](https://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2023/en)).
+[![]({{ "/images/reports/2023-01/fosdem.jpeg#right" | relative_url }})](https://fosdem.org/)
+Separate to this, Akihiro Suda posted to our mailing list just after the end of the month with a [status report of bit-for-bit reproducible Docker/OCI images](https://lists.reproducible-builds.org/pipermail/rb-general/2023-February/002842.html). As Akihiro mentions in their post, they will be giving a talk at [FOSDEM](https://fosdem.org/) in the ['Containers' devroom](https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/track/containers/) titled [*Bit-for-bit reproducible builds with `Dockerfile`*](https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/container_reproducible_dockerfile/) and that "my talk will also mention how to pin the apt/dnf/apk/pacman packages with my [`repro-get`](https://github.com/reproducible-containers/repro-get) tool."
 [![]({{ "/images/reports/2023-01/signal.png#right" | relative_url }})](https://signal.org/)

Binary files /dev/null and b/images/reports/2023-01/fosdem.jpeg differ

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-website/-/commit/292ad6fb078e03965b5fc41ee57181fa16e7cfca

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-website/-/commit/292ad6fb078e03965b5fc41ee57181fa16e7cfca
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