Reproducible Builds Code of Conduct update

Allen Gunn gunner at
Sat Jul 13 17:41:19 UTC 2024

Hello RB friends,

I hope folks are staying cool this month, a month that is very hot in so 
many places.

I am writing to update the list on our plans to develop a Code of Conduct.

We are hoping to have the Reproducible Builds Code of Conduct (RB CoC) 
in place in time for the RB Summit in Hamburg in September [1].

We have been in discussions about how best to involve community members 
in CoC design, and realized a very good first step would be to find out 
who is interested in taking part in planning discussions, participating 
in email threads or otherwise providing any kind of input before we 
share a draft with this list for review.

Each interested person will be able to shape both the size and scope of 
their participation and contribution to match their availability and 
bandwidth. We anticipate most of the planning discussions taking place 
via email and other asynchronous channels, but we may schedule one or 
more discussion meetings via as the need arises.

We'll keep the full list updated on progress in general, but wanted to 
send out this inquiry to see if there are others who would want to be 
more actively involved.

So, if you are interested in helping with CoC design and development in 
the weeks ahead, simply email rb-core at and 
let us know.

Otherwise, please hang tight, and we plan to have a draft for the list 
to review in August.

gunner, on behalf of the RB Core team


Allen Gunn
Executive Director, Aspiration

Aspiration: "Better Tools for a Better World"

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