Thinking of our next summit this year

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at
Mon Mar 7 09:57:54 UTC 2022

Holger Levsen:
> On Wed, Mar 02, 2022 at 09:08:39AM +0100, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> I live in Vienna, which has lots of good train connections all over Europe,
>> but it is more expensive to fly to.  I'm happy to help the organizers if its
>> in Vienna.  Fr example, I can recommend this hotel, which is a funky place
>> and also a social project that employs refugees:
> the hotel indeed looks nice, but their meeting facilities are likely to small
> for us, their biggest room is 100m² and I'd say we need one room which is at
> least twice as big.
> ( for an overview of their rooms.)
> But thanks for the offer, Hans-Christoph! We've indeed thought about Vienna
> already for the next summit because of the location and connectivity, so we
> might come back to this.
> That said, we would appreciate offers from people in other locations too. ;)

There is a hall big enough for a wedding in the park there, its about a 10 
minute walk from Magdas.  And there are other options as well.  IETF will be 
about a 20 minute walk from there in a couple weeks, so there are many meeting 


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