translations for the r-b.o website

Julien Lepiller julien at
Wed Jun 8 19:46:25 UTC 2022

Le Wed, 8 Jun 2022 19:30:28 +0200,
Mattia Rizzolo <mattia at> a écrit :

> Hi,
> some time ago somebody worked on supporting l10n in the
> website, and integrated it with weblate, and
> everything.
> Now we have this open MR
> Now, I don't really want to merge what effectively are empty
> translations.
> I hoped to find some settings on how to prevent that in the weblate's
> project settings.  I would have liked something that makes weblate
> only propose merging languages that are… I don't know… probably 75%
> or more translated.
> What I plan to do soon (now that I gained access on the weblate
> project) is to remove Greek, Norwergian Bokmal and Russian from the
> list of languages of the project, since they have 0 translated
> strings anyway, but I suspect it'd be nicer to leave them there and
> just make weblate not propose MR for such languages.


with this message I learn there's something to translate on Weblate. I
started working on the website :)

I don't think you can instruct weblate to not create an MR when there's
less than a given amount of translations, but you can generate the
website is such a way that it doesn't create a page for translations
below a given threshold.

I noticed there's a file called "" that is proposed in the
translation of the website, but it just contains dummy text. Can it be
removed from the list?


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