Info about reprotest error xfwm4-theme-breeze/-/jobs/2984057#L610

jathan jathan at
Mon Jul 11 15:04:54 UTC 2022

Hello Andrew,

I share some useful info I have received with the help of sangi in the
Reproducible Builds IRC channel #reproducible-builds:

jathan | Hello. Can someone help us to Andrew Lee and me to resolve this
reprotest error please?:
08:41:10 jathan |
08:59:50  sangy | jathan: looking at it, how urgent is this?
09:07:07 jathan | sangy: Thank you. It is very urgent for Andrew Lee to
be able to release something important for LXQT today at seems.
09:43:12  sangy | ok, let me spend an hour or so on this soon
09:50:47  sangy | jathan: I know for a fact it's something between the
faketime and the dpkg-source line here
09:51:09  sangy | I suspect it's the level of compat given to the kernel
(linux 2.6) as well, were these randomly set, or passed to reprotest?
09:51:53 jathan | Let me talk with Andrew. Thanks a lot sangy.

At seems is something related to something between the faketime and the
dpkg-source line here
Can you check it Andrew and tell us if that solve the issue regarding to
reprotest please?


⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Jonathan Bustillos
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ Debian Developer

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