Research on Reproducible Builds

Chris Lamb lamby at
Thu Mar 5 01:57:05 UTC 2020

David A. Wheeler wrote:

> The paper's description of date handling sounds odd, where "dates" are 
> really counts of system calls. If the "starting date" is arbitrary (like Jan 
> 1, 1970) that would look odd. But if the "starting date" were forcibly set to a 
> human-reasonable value (like the date-time of the last commit, or of the latest source 
> file), then it might be easier to accept the results.

This was curious to me too — to wit, the paper describes that the Debian
«wheezy» distribution was being built so it was interesting to me that
the first timestamp in the debian/changelog was not chosen, á la

Best wishes,

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby at 🍥

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