[Git][reproducible-builds/reproducible-presentations][master] 2 commits: 10 years r-b cccamp talk: further wip

Holger Levsen (@holger) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Aug 17 14:40:39 UTC 2023

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / reproducible-presentations

e783f500 by Holger Levsen at 2023-08-17T16:34:52+02:00
10 years r-b cccamp talk: further wip

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -
35914b2b by Holger Levsen at 2023-08-17T16:40:28+02:00
10 years r-b cccamp talk: final wip for today

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- 2023-08-19-R-B-the-first-10-years/index.html
- 2023-08-19-R-B-the-first-10-years/todo


@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ And the idea is also much older than 10 years...
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
         <h2>Detour: unexpected benefits of reproducible builds</h2>
-	<li class="fragment">Lower development costs and increased development speed through less developer time wasted on build results.</li>
+	<li class="fragment">Lower development costs and increased development speed through less developer time wasted on waiting for builds.</li>
 	<li class="fragment">Licence compliance: you can only be sure a binary is Free Software if it can be (re-)built reproducibly from a given source.</li>
 	<li class="fragment">Software development: does this change really have no effect / the desired effect only?</li>
@@ -852,45 +852,6 @@ Warpforge.
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-	<h3>Debian trixie, 20230804</h3>
-	<img src="images/stats_pkg_state_trixie_20230804.png">
-	</section>
-  <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h4>https://beta.tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian</h4>
-	        <img src="images/bookworm_full.amd64+all.png">
-      </section>
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h3>Theory vs Praxis</h3>
-	<p>I used to say: 96% reproducibility is a lie. Or rather: 96% are CI results.</p>
-	<p class="fragment">Now I like to say: in theory, we are done. In practice, we have shown that reproducible builds can be done in theory.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <img src="images/ccc2014-13.png">
-      </section>
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h3>Theory vs Praxis</h3>
-	<ul>
-	<li>Those missing 5% are <b>one</b> reason why we are not done yet.<li>
-	<li class="fragment">Those missing 5% are crucial however, or at least 1% of them. For Debian, 1% means 300 softwares...</li>
-	<li class="fragment">Rebuilding / reproducing Debian in practice also requires a working snapshot.debian.org service and we don't have this.</li>
-	<li class="fragment">once we have that, we need many rebuilders like beta.tests.reproducible.org and we need to store the results somewhere and we need to define criterias how tools should treat that data...</li>
-	</ul>
-	</section>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
         <h3>Short overview of reproducibility of various projects (AIUI)</h3>
    	<ul class="fragment">Tails: "easy", pragmatically "solved" but not systematically...
@@ -925,6 +886,20 @@ Arch Linux is 86.4% reproducible with 1701 bad and 10849 good packages.
+      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
+	<h3>Debian trixie, 20230804</h3>
+	<img src="images/stats_pkg_state_trixie_20230804.png">
+	</section>
+  <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
+        <h4>https://beta.tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian</h4>
+	        <img src="images/bookworm_full.amd64+all.png">
+      </section>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
         <h3>Summary of reproducibility of various projects</h3>
    	<p>Many projects support reproducible builds by now, but it's unclear what that means, how it's enforced and how users can know and be confident.</p>
@@ -936,7 +911,29 @@ Arch Linux is 86.4% reproducible with 1701 bad and 10849 good packages.
+      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
+        <img src="images/ccc2014-13.png">
+      </section>
+      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
+        <h3>Theory vs Praxis</h3>
+	<p>I used to say: 96% reproducibility is a lie. Or rather: 96% are CI results.</p>
+	<p class="fragment">Now I like to say: in theory, we are done. In practice, we have shown that reproducible builds can be done in theory.</p>
+      </section>
+      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
+        <h3>Theory vs Praxis</h3>
+	<ul>
+	<li>Those missing 5% are <b>one</b> reason why we are not done yet.<li>
+	<li class="fragment">Those missing 5% are crucial however, or at least 1% of them. For Debian, 1% means 300 softwares...</li>
+	<li class="fragment">Rebuilding / reproducing Debian in practice also requires a working snapshot.debian.org service and we don't have this.</li>
+	<li class="fragment">once we have that, we need many rebuilders like beta.tests.reproducible.org and we need to store the results somewhere and we need to define criterias how tools should treat that data...</li>
+	</ul>
+	</section>
@@ -1016,8 +1013,9 @@ Arch Linux is 86.4% reproducible with 1701 bad and 10849 good packages.
           Thank you
           <br><small>… and all the contributors out there!</small>
-        <p class="fragment">Do you think reproducible builds should happen?<br> If so, please help.<br />We need your help.</p>
-        <p class="fragment"><em>I still haven't found what I'm looking for <br> but I'm confident we'll get there, eventually!</em></p>
+        <p class="fragment">Do you think reproducible builds should happen?<br> If so, please help. We need your help and support.</p>
+        <p class="fragment">The goals of this talk were: to get you informed, excited & involved. And to explain that a lot of work and support is still needed, despite all the success so far! We are still far from being done. </p>
           <small>Holger Levsen <holger at debian.org><br>
 		B8BF 5413 7B09 D35C F026  FE9D 091A B856 069A AA1C</small>

@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
 main story points:
+	improve end part, after summit slides
+		add funding
+		update debian stats, shorten existing debian slides at end
+		move goals from thanks to beginning! instead of "my talk" disclaimer
 	100% reproducible is a politcal task, not technical.
 	getting 100% of the software to build reproducible is only maybe half the work needed...
 	distro status:
@@ -22,11 +27,9 @@ main story points:
 new todo:
 	nice übergänge
-	incl S_D_E definition, no screenshots
-		maybe
 	$ grep -c 'section da' index.html 
 		should not return 74 but 42 or rather less
-		now at 71 /o\
+		now at 64 :/
         verifiable SBOMs!
                 someone please write a converter
@@ -42,9 +45,6 @@ old TODO:
 - slide?: bootstrapable.org - this is limited to software. reproducible hardware & free & reproducible firmware...
-slide: but surely: the goal of this talk is
-	- to get you excited & involved &|| caring and thus supportive
-		the future is unwritten, much needs be done still
 	- recap what we have done, celebrate 10y of awesomeness
 	- so yeah, there's still a lot to be done after 100% which will make a UI obsolete
 	- on a distro scale (say: "please do it with an r-b debian fork. hah, doesnt work because of the 97% only yet".)
@@ -55,9 +55,6 @@ stretch/arm64   24719   22819 / 92.3%   1292 / 5.2%     277 / 1.1%      10 / 0.0
 stretch/armhf   24719   22108 / 89.4%   2026 / 8.2%     193 / 0.8%      26 / 0.1%       119 / 0.5%      231 / 0.9%      16 / 0.1%
 stretch/i386    24719   22488 / 91.0%   1985 / 8.0%     130 / 0.5%      7 / 0.0%        32 / 0.1%       76 / 0.3%       1 / 0.0%
-slide: recap: .buildinfo files / SBOM
-	recorded or predictable/static buildpath
-	(for Debian folks: no more build path variation in unstable)
 slide: SBOMs are nothing new, we know them since 2014 or so.
 	verified SBOMs are cool: = have been used to verify = reproduce a build
 slide: trixie, forky & probably 2 more until 100% reproducible Debian stable.

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-presentations/-/compare/16b3cf737d0a2212008215db141cda077d11b0c9...35914b2b1da63d330846f3bfbe2a28e4724d9d5f

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-presentations/-/compare/16b3cf737d0a2212008215db141cda077d11b0c9...35914b2b1da63d330846f3bfbe2a28e4724d9d5f
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