[Git][reproducible-builds/reproducible-presentations][master] 10 years r-b cccamp talk: more wip

Holger Levsen (@holger) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Aug 17 14:20:10 UTC 2023

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / reproducible-presentations

16b3cf73 by Holger Levsen at 2023-08-17T16:19:54+02:00
10 years r-b cccamp talk: more wip

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- 2023-08-19-R-B-the-first-10-years/index.html
- 2023-08-19-R-B-the-first-10-years/todo


@@ -538,26 +538,29 @@ And the idea is also much older than 10 years...
           <li class="fragment">Source code of free software available</li>
           <li class="fragment">…most people install pre-compiled binaries</li>
-          <li class="fragment"><strong>No one knows whether they really correspond (even those building those binaries).</strong></li>
+          <li class="fragment"><strong>No one really knows how they really correspond (even those building those binaries).</strong></li>
           <li class="fragment">As a result there are various classes of supply chain attacks.</li>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
         <h2>Ancient history (>10 years ago)</h2>
+	<ul>
 	<li class="fragment">Thread on debian-devel at lists.debian.org from 2007. Deemed undoable by many.</li>
 	<li class="fragment">Though the idea initially appeared in 2000 on debian-devel at l.d.o.</li>
 	<li class="fragment">And then in 2017 we learned from John Gilmore on rb-general at lists.reproducible-builds.org that GCC was reproducible in the early 1990s on several architectures!</li>
+	</ul>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
         <h2>Fast forward to 2023</h2>
+	<ul>
    	<p class="fragment">https://lists.zx2c4.com/pipermail/wireguard/2023-April/008045.html
 	<br />Wireguard (VPN app for Android) builds are now reproducible, their release is identical on their website, Google Play Store and F-Droid. 🎯🎯🎯🥳
 	<br />(it's more complicated than that, see their mail.)</p>
    	<p class="fragment">We were not even informed. 🥲  Poeople just do reproducible builds as normal part of their work nowadays. 🤗</p>
+	</ul>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
@@ -581,13 +584,18 @@ And the idea is also much older than 10 years...
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <p> By now Reproducible Builds has been widely and largly understood:
+	<ul>
+        <li> By 2023 Reproducible Builds has been widely and largly understood:
 		<br><span class="fragment" style="font-size: 100%">https://reproducible-builds.org/resources/
-	<br><span class="fragment" style="font-size: 70%">https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/06/08/...</span></li>
-      </section>
+	<li><span class="fragment" style="font-size: 70%">https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/06/08/...</span></li>
+     	<ul class="fragment" style="font-size: 70%">
+		<li><u>requires</u> "Software Bill of Material" (SBOM)s for govermental software</li>
+		<li>so far only <u>recommends</u> reproducible builds / <b>verified</b> SBOMs</li>
+	</ul></ul>
+ </section>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
@@ -635,10 +643,6 @@ And the idea is also much older than 10 years...
 	<li class="fragment">Mike Perry and Seth Schoen gave that presentation at CCCongress in December 2014 showing "my" graphs. Wow.</li>
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-	<h3>Debian unstable, 20150131</h3>
-	<img src="images/stats_pkg_state_20150131.png">
-	</section>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
         <img src="images/ccc2014-1.png">
@@ -678,86 +682,88 @@ And the idea is also much older than 10 years...
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-	<h3>Debian unstable, 20230804</h3>
-	<img src="images/stats_pkg_state_20230804.png">
+	<h3>Debian unstable, 20150131</h3>
+	<img src="images/stats_pkg_state_20150131.png">
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-	<h3>Debian trixie, 20230804</h3>
-	<img src="images/stats_pkg_state_trixie_20230804.png">
-	</section>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
 	<li class="fragment">FOSDEM talk by Lunar and myself, inviting the Free Software world at large to collaborate and tackle this problem.</li>
-	<li class="fragment">SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH spec</li>
 	<li class="fragment">CCCamp presentation by Lunar, showing many problems and their solutions.</li>
 	<li class="fragment">1st Reproducible Builds Summit in Athens.</li>
+	<li class="fragment">SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH spec</li>
+	<li class="fragment">diffoscope</li>
+	</section>
+      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
+	<h3>results for Debian unstable, until 20230804</h3>
+	<img src="images/stats_pkg_state_20230804.png">
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <img src="images/ccc2014-13.png">
-      </section>
+        <h2>Common reasons for unreproducibilities:</h2>
+	<li class="fragment">timestamps, timestamps, timestamps<li>
+	<li class="fragment">timestamps, timestamps, timestamps<li>
+	<li class="fragment">build pathes, build pathes<li>
+	<li class="fragment">all the rest</li>
+	<li class="fragment">422 known issue types in reproducible-notes.git<li>
+	</section>
+      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
+        <h3>The unreproducible package</h3>
+	<li>https://github.com/bmwiedemann/theunreproduciblepackage</li>
+        <li class="fragment">It's much easier to show common pitfalls making a package unreproducible than the opposite...</li>
+        </ul>
+     </section>
+  <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
+        <h3>3000 reprodubility related bugs fixed (mostly upstreamed), 500 patches pending...</h3>
+	        <img  src="images/stats_bugs_sin_ftbfs_state.png">
-      <section data-background-color="white">
-        <img src="images/logo.png" width="584">
-        <h3>https://reproducible-builds.org</h3>
+  <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
+        <h3>20000 bugs in 10 years ~= 5 per day</h3>
+	        <img class="fragment" src="images/stats_bugs_state.png">
+      </section>
+      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
+        <h2>Detour: unexpected benefits of reproducible builds</h2>
+	<li class="fragment">Lower development costs and increased development speed through less developer time wasted on build results.</li>
+	<li class="fragment">Licence compliance: you can only be sure a binary is Free Software if it can be (re-)built reproducibly from a given source.</li>
+	<li class="fragment">Software development: does this change really have no effect / the desired effect only?</li>
+	</section>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h2>Detour: https://diffoscope.org</h2>
+        <h2>diffoscope</h2>
 	<li class="fragment">Who knows about diffoscope?</li>
 	<li class="fragment">Who uses diffoscope?</li>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h2>Detour: https://diffoscope.org</h2>
+        <h2>diffoscope</h2>
 	<li>Text and HTML ouput</li>
 	<li style="font-size: 75%" class="fragment">File formats supported include: Android APK files, Android boot images, Android package resource table (ARSC), Apple Xcode mobile provisioning files, ar(1) archives, ASM Function, Berkeley DB database files, bzip2 archives, character/block devices, ColorSync colour profiles (.icc), Coreboot CBFS filesystem images, cpio archives, Dalvik .dex files, Debian .buildinfo files, Debian .changes files, Debian source packages (.dsc), Device Tree Compiler blob files, directories, ELF binaries, ext2/ext3/ext4/btrfs/fat filesystems, Flattened Image Tree blob files, FreeDesktop Fontconfig cache files, FreePascal files (.ppu), Gettext message catalogues, GHC Haskell .hi files, GIF image files, Git repositories, GNU R database files (.rdb), GNU R Rscript files (.rds), Gnumeric spreadsheets, GPG keybox databases, Gzipped files, Hierarchical Data Format database, HTML files (.html), ISO 9660 CD images, Java class files, Java .jmod modules, JavaScript files,</li>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h2>Detour: https://diffoscope.org</h2>
+        <h2>diffoscope</h2>
 	<li style="font-size: 75%">JPEG images, JSON files, Linux kernel images, LLVM IR bitcode files, local (UNIX domain) sockets and named pipes (FIFOs), LZ4 compressed files, lzip compressed files, macOS binaries, Microsoft Windows icon files, Microsoft Word .docx files, Mono ‘Portable Executable’ files, Mozilla-optimized .ZIP archives, Multimedia metadata, OCaml interface files, Ogg Vorbis audio files, OpenOffice .odt files, OpenSSH public keys, OpenWRT package archives (.ipk), PDF documents, PE32 files, PGP signatures, PGP signed/encrypted messages, PNG images, PostScript documents, Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) files (version #7), Python pyc files, RPM archives, Rust object files (.deflate), Sphinx inventory files, SQLite databases, SquashFS filesystems, symlinks, tape archives (.tar), tcpdump capture files (.pcap), text files, TrueType font files, U-Boot legacy image files, WebAssembly binary module, XML binary schemas (.xsb), XML files, XMLB files, XZ compressed files, ZIP archives and Zstandard compressed files.</li>
 	<li class="fragment">Fallback on hexdump comparison, fuzzy-matching to handle renamings, and much more!</li>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h2>Detour: https://diffoscope.org</h2>
+        <h2>diffoscope example output</h2>
 	<li><a href="https-everywhere-5.0.6_vs_5.0.7.html">Example diffoscope output for https-everywhere 5.0.6 vs 5.0.7</a></li>
 	<li class="fragment">https://try.diffoscope.org</li>
+	<li class="fragment">https://diffoscope.org</li>
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h2>Detour: unexpected benefits of reproducible builds</h2>
-	<li class="fragment">Licence compliance: you can only be sure a binary is Free Software if it can be (re-)built reproducibly from a given source.</li>
-	<li class="fragment">Software development: does this change really have no effect / the desired effect only?</li>
-	<li class="fragment">lower development costs and increased development speed through less developer time wasted on build results</li>
-	</section>
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h2>Common reasons for unreproducibilities:</h2>
-	<li class="fragment">timestamps, timestamps, timestamps<li>
-	<li class="fragment">timestamps, timestamps, timestamps<li>
-	<li class="fragment">build pathes, build pathes<li>
-	<li class="fragment">all the rest</li>
-	<li class="fragment">422 known issue types in reproducible-notes.git<li>
-	</section>
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h3>The unreproducible package</h3>
-	<li>https://github.com/bmwiedemann/theunreproduciblepackage</li>
-        <li class="fragment">It's much easier to show common pitfalls making a package unreproducible than the opposite...</li>
-        </ul>
-     </section>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
 	<li>who knows about SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH?</li>
@@ -773,6 +779,11 @@ And the idea is also much older than 10 years...
         <li class="fragment">Better yet: use predictable build pathes like <code>/buildpath/linux-6.2.23</code></li>
+      <section data-background-color="white">
+        <img src="images/logo.png" width="584">
+        <h3>https://reproducible-builds.org</h3>
+      </section>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
         <h2>Reproducible Builds Summits</h2>
 	<li>2015 Athens</li>
@@ -841,6 +852,45 @@ Warpforge.
+      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
+	<h3>Debian trixie, 20230804</h3>
+	<img src="images/stats_pkg_state_trixie_20230804.png">
+	</section>
+  <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
+        <h4>https://beta.tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian</h4>
+	        <img src="images/bookworm_full.amd64+all.png">
+      </section>
+      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
+        <h3>Theory vs Praxis</h3>
+	<p>I used to say: 96% reproducibility is a lie. Or rather: 96% are CI results.</p>
+	<p class="fragment">Now I like to say: in theory, we are done. In practice, we have shown that reproducible builds can be done in theory.</p>
+      </section>
+      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
+        <img src="images/ccc2014-13.png">
+      </section>
+      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
+        <h3>Theory vs Praxis</h3>
+	<ul>
+	<li>Those missing 5% are <b>one</b> reason why we are not done yet.<li>
+	<li class="fragment">Those missing 5% are crucial however, or at least 1% of them. For Debian, 1% means 300 softwares...</li>
+	<li class="fragment">Rebuilding / reproducing Debian in practice also requires a working snapshot.debian.org service and we don't have this.</li>
+	<li class="fragment">once we have that, we need many rebuilders like beta.tests.reproducible.org and we need to store the results somewhere and we need to define criterias how tools should treat that data...</li>
+	</ul>
+	</section>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
         <h3>Short overview of reproducibility of various projects (AIUI)</h3>
    	<ul class="fragment">Tails: "easy", pragmatically "solved" but not systematically...
@@ -889,28 +939,6 @@ Arch Linux is 86.4% reproducible with 1701 bad and 10849 good packages.
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h3><em>Reproducible talks at least...?</em></h3>
-	<p>DebConf16</p>
-	<p>DebConf17</p>
-	<p>DebConf18</p>
-	<p>DebConf19</p>
-	<p>DebConf20</p>
-	<p>DebConf21</p>
-        <p class="fragment">“I feel I have given warnings that the next Debian release will not be reproducible for years.” <span class="fragment">is a quote from last years.</span></p>
-        <p class="fragment">...and I feel fine! 😀</p>
-     </section>
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h3><em>Schrödingers h01ger: frustrated and happy.</em></h3>
-        <p>Indeed I have given warnings that the next Debian release will not be reproducible for years...</p>
-        <p>...and I feel fine! 😀</p>
-        <p class="fragment">Again: we've made massive progress: in theory (96%) and in practice, though that is more complicated...</p>
-     </section>
       <!--========================================================= -->
@@ -918,24 +946,6 @@ Arch Linux is 86.4% reproducible with 1701 bad and 10849 good packages.
       <!-- issues in-depth -->
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h3>Theory vs Praxis</h3>
-	<p>I used to say: 96% reproducibility is a lie. Or rather: 96% are CI results.</p>
-	<p class="fragment">Now I like to say: in theory, we are done. In practice, we have shown that reproducible builds can be done in theory.</p>
-      </section>
-  <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h3>3000 reprodubility related bugs fixed, 500 patches pending...</h3>
-	        <img  src="images/stats_bugs_sin_ftbfs_state.png">
-      </section>
-  <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h3>20000 bugs in 10 years ~= 5 per day</h3>
-	        <img class="fragment" src="images/stats_bugs_state.png">
-      </section>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
         <h3>96% in detail</h3>
@@ -951,58 +961,6 @@ Arch Linux is 86.4% reproducible with 1701 bad and 10849 good packages.
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h3>CI versus rebuilds:</h3>
-	<ul>
-        <li>We have no <strong>Debian</strong> infrastructure rebuilding Debian packages. The reproducible-builds.org rebuilders are builders, not rebuilders.</li>
-	<li> That's why I called 96% (or whatever) a "lie".</li>
-        <li style="font-size: 90%">Up until recently we had two main blockers for rebuilders:</li>
-	<ul style="font-size: 80%">
-         <li class="fragment">>3000 packages without .buildinfo files, fixed by myself in February 2021 and in June 2022.</li>
-         <li class="fragment">snapshot.debian.org was (and is) unusable for rebuilds, fixed by Frédéric Pierret and josch since June 2021, by providing a partial mirror for amd64 only and only going back until January 2017.</li>
-	</ul>
-	</ul>
-      </section>
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h3>CI versus rebuilds:</h3>
-	<ul>
-        <li class="fragment">We have no <strong>Debian</strong> infrastructure rebuilding Debian packages. The reproducible-builds.org rebuilders are builders, not rebuilders.</li>
-	<li class="fragment">https://beta.tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian <em>is showing</em> rebuilds of ftp.debian.org - huge thanks to Frédéric Pierret for this PoC.</li>
-        <li class="fragment">Sadly, Frédéric's rebuilder is down atm...</li>
-        <li class="fragment">And one rebuilder is not good enough also. It's a start though:</li>
-	</ul>
-	</ul>
-      </section>
-  <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h4>https://beta.tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian</h4>
-	        <img src="images/bookworm_full.amd64+all.png">
-      </section>
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h4>https://beta.tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian</h4>
-       	<ul>
-   	unreproducible in build-essential:
-	<li>linux</li>
-	<li>gcc</li>
-	</ul>
-      </section>
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
-        <h3>working around snapshot.debian.org</h3>
-	<ul>
-  <li class="fragment">snapshot.debian.org was (and is) unusable for rebuilds, fixed by Frédéric Pierret and josch since June 2021, by providing a partial mirror for amd64 only and only going back until January 2017.</li>
-        	<li class="fragment">without "a working" snapshot.debian.org (it works, "just" not for our usecases) we cannot have reproducible Debian...</li>
-     		<li class="fragment">soon to be hosted at OSUOSL as snapshot.reproducible-builds.org</li>
-  		<li class="fragment">we want at least arm64 too, though that needs more than just HW. See the MR above.</li>
-	</ul>
-     </section>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="10%" data-background-position="93% 9%" data-transition="none">
         <h3>Debian 13 / trixie goals</h3>

@@ -1,24 +1,20 @@
 main story points:
-	14.png as intro for
-	"in theory we are done, or 96%, in practice we could maybe do it in theory..."
 	100% reproducible is a politcal task, not technical.
 	getting 100% of the software to build reproducible is only maybe half the work needed...
-	history
-	S_D_E
-	build path
 	distro status:
 		debian numbers
 			columns: stretch buster bullseye bookworm
 			rows: amd64 arm64 i386 armhf with percentages
 		: 2017: debian-policy: should
 		other distros
-			slide: archlinux (mention: they are great. have rebuilders. pacman-bintrans a model for debian and everyone else.)
+		mention financing, esp for summit!
+		say thanks to future and previous sponsors
+		funding: first LF, now an SFC project. I like the SFCs focus on freedom.
 	missing bits / future work
 		theory vs praxis:
 			"theory" is easy (it was not! and it was a lot of work)
-				incl bug graph here
 			96% is not enough
 				binary transparency would be useful to bridge that gap
 					and still needed with 100% r-b
@@ -28,11 +24,6 @@ new todo:
 	nice übergänge
 	incl S_D_E definition, no screenshots
-	improve end / debian status
-		mv Debian up
-	mention financing, esp for summit!
-		say thanks to future and previous sponsors
-		funding: first LF, now an SFC project. I like the SFCs focus on freedom.
 	$ grep -c 'section da' index.html 
 		should not return 74 but 42 or rather less
 		now at 71 /o\

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