[diffoscope] Procyon decompiler outputs with ANSI color codes so --text-color has no effect on it

Aman Sharma amansha at kth.se
Fri Aug 16 10:42:56 UTC 2024

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the quick fix!

I tried the latest build on master and it works well. I also noticed that you have removed ANSI sequences completely and don't choose to keep it when `--text-color` is `always` . This behaviour is also fine with me plus I guess it is easier to maintain as `--text-color` would mean the colour for the diff output. Thank you so much!

Aman Sharma

PhD Student
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)
Department of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS)
From: Chris Lamb <chris at reproducible-builds.org>
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2024 12:27:54 PM
To: Aman Sharma
Cc: diffoscope
Subject: Re: [diffoscope] Procyon decompiler outputs with ANSI color codes so --text-color has no effect on it

Hi Aman,

Thanks for the report.

> 3. We use regex to remove all ANSI codes while processing the diff in
> diffoscope.

I think this is the best solution as we already have a code to strip
ANSI codes elsewhere in the codebase and we can quickly turn that into
a library module.

Indeed, can you try applying these commits that I've just pushed to

 * https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/diffoscope/commit/d16faf7c78ba84f759c417a9412c92f6dd08adca.diff
 * https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/diffoscope/commit/12e34398cf72c46eb0eb1d3883a9b215f1aec06b.diff

Best wishes,

    ⬋   ⬊      Chris Lamb
   o     o     reproducible-builds.org 💠
    ⬊   ⬋
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