possible repercussions for RB tooling of Debian migrating from zlib to zlib-ng

Fay Stegerman flx at obfusk.net
Thu Sep 26 16:34:46 UTC 2024


I wrote about issues encountered with "unreproducible zlib/deflate compression
in ZIP/APK files" [1] before.  Debian is apparently considering migrating from
zlib to zlib-ng [2], which could affect RB: assuming zlib-ng output is properly
deterministic for the same version it should not affect reproducibility of
Debian packages themselves, but it could affect using a Debian base system to
reproduce other software (like Android APKs).

- Fay

[1] https://lists.reproducible-builds.org/pipermail/rb-general/2024-September/003526.html
[2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2024/09/msg00334.html

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