whatsrc new feature: Cargo.lock file tracking

kpcyrd kpcyrd at archlinux.org
Tue May 7 01:21:54 UTC 2024


I developed and deployed a new feature:

- when discovering a Cargo.lock file (or similar), import it into the 

This can be seen when looking at the page for the ripgrep 14.1.0 source 
code release:


There's now a section titled "Dependency Lockfiles", in case of ripgrep 
it lists one file (ripgrep-14.1.0/Cargo.lock) containing a resolved 
dependency graph for the Rust library ecosystem (crates). This file is 
essential if one would want to reproduce the pre-compiled binaries 
provided by upstream (however it's not the only file needed), or reason 
about vulnerable dependencies in those binaries:


This exact same dependency tree of additional source code is also used 
by Arch Linux and Alpine, since they integrate with crates.io natively.

(The kind of data that's needed for reproducible builds but not tracked 
by Cargo.lock is downstream-specific, e.g. Arch Linux records this in 
.BUILDINFO files (gcc version, binutils version, rustc version, ...) - 
the reason those are operating system specific is because as soon as you 
start having a concept of those tools you are either using an existing 
operating system or making your own)

The concept of Cargo.lock files is also mentioned in these two emails:


The indexing is still ongoing, and I currently do not yet import the 
source code referenced in Cargo.lock files, so many links are 404 at the 
moment because they refer to a sha256 I haven't observed yet.

However, a surprising amount of links already works:

- aho-corasick 1.1.2: 
- autocfg 1.1.0: 
- cc 1.0.83 
- cfg-if 1.0.0 

This is because many .tar.gz files referenced by sha256 in the 
Cargo.lock are also 100% identical with the _orig.tar files uploaded to 
the rust-* namespace in Debian by the Debian-Rust team:



PS: this also works in some cases now:


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