Announcing Android Reproducible Builds at IzzyOnDroid with rbtlog

Fay Stegerman flx at
Wed Jul 31 22:03:14 UTC 2024


IzzyOnDroid [1] is the largest 3rd-party F-Droid-compatible repository of open
source Android apps (almost 1200 currently), publishing a collection of official
binaries (APKs) built by the original application developers and provided via
repositories on GitHub, GitLab, Codeberg, etc.  It provides a convenient way to
install and update apps, as well as additional security and transparency via
multiple custom scans and checks [2].

rbtlog [3] is a Reproducible Builds transparency log for Android APKs.  Its git
repository contains scripts forming a rebuilder framework, recipes to build
various apps, rebuild logs forming a transparency log of reproduction attempts,
and CI workflows to automate everything.  It allows anyone to easily run a
rebuilder for any apps available from a git repository with release tags plus
accompanying APKs built and signed by the developer.

The rbtlog I run currently provides rebuild logs for dozens of apps available
via IzzyOnDroid as well as e.g. NewPipe and Threema.  Izzy himself runs another
rbtlog instance [4] providing coverage of even more IzzyOnDroid apps.  And there
are more to come!

We are pleased to announce "Reproducible Builds, special client support and more
in our repo" [5]: a collaboration between various independent interoperable
projects: the IzzyOnDroid team, 3rd-party clients Droid-ify & Neo Store, and
rbtlog (part of my collection of tools for Android Reproducible Builds) to bring
Reproducible Builds to IzzyOnDroid and the wider Android ecosystem.

- Fay

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