Yosys docs reproducibility (Was: Yosys in Debian)

Daniel Gröber dxld at darkboxed.org
Tue Jul 9 11:07:54 UTC 2024

On Tue, Jul 09, 2024 at 01:00:33PM +0200, Emil Jiří Tywoniak wrote:
> On the .rst side, in docs/source/cmd_ref.rst you'll find /cmd/* which Sphinx
> expands
> <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/directives.html>
> such that "matches are inserted into the list alphabetically".

Hmm. Alright, so sphinx may actually have a locale-dependent ordering bug
there. I'll look into that.

> This is related specifically to the docs build, not to the binary help
> message. I thought the irreproducibility was in the output of the help
> command used in the yosys binary and not in the docs generated via Sphinx
> from rst generated by write_rst in kernel/register.cc, is that not the
> case?

It could be both/either, I'm not sure. Don't take my word as gospel I do
just make assumptions and guesses while tracking stuff like this.

You know how it is when you have to wait 20min between test runs and do
other things in between: things get a bit chaotic and messy. I really have
to keep better notes in the future :)


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