Yosys docs reproducibility (Was: Yosys in Debian)

Krystine Sherwin krystinedawn at yosyshq.com
Tue Jul 9 09:54:12 UTC 2024

Hi Daniel et al,

If this is about the order of .rst files read by Sphinx during a docs build
(and in turn the order they are output and/or listed in the contents), the
command reference pages are detected by sphinx via globbing of
/docs/source/cmd/*.  If that is giving different orders depending on locale
I imagine that would be a problem with Sphinx and not something we can
solve without providing a complete list of source files, which isn’t really

Kind regards,

On Tue, 9 Jul 2024 at 9:37 PM, Emil Jiří Tywoniak <emil at yosyshq.com> wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
> Thank you for the extensive information. I have looked at the ordering of
> pass short_help strings and I find them to be ordered by iterating over
> std::map<std::string, Pass*> pass_register; which clearly is defined
> regardless of locale since std::map uses std::less for comparison which
> uses operator< which for std::string is given as std::lexicographical_compare
> which is described
> <https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/lexicographical_compare> as
> "If one range is a prefix of another, the shorter range is
> lexicographically *less* than the other."
> Therefore synth_intel ought to always come before synth_intel_alm
> regardless of stability or locale. Would you mind sharing information about
> which locale was used and the commit this was tested at?
> Cheers
> Emil
> On Mon, Jul 8, 2024 at 6:16 PM Daniel Gröber <dxld at darkboxed.org> wrote:
>> Hi Emil,
>> Hi all (CC'ing rb-general to fact check my recomendation and incentives
>> analysis below),
>> On Mon, Jul 08, 2024 at 05:34:19PM +0200, Emil Jiří Tywoniak wrote:
>> > Thanks for the reply. I saw that PR
>> > <https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys/pull/3951> - so the blocker is
>> related to
>> > how Debian uses faketime in chroot, and triggered by yosys using
>> faketime
>> > on pdfs? Do you have some related links?
>> That turned out to be a false-positive. Faketime was never really the
>> problem, my assertion that graphviz supports SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH was also
>> wrong see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1054170.
>> If you look at
>> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/rb-pkg/unstable/amd64/yosys.html
>> this still shows the old repro problems with CreationDate differing.
>>     <key>CreationDate</key>
>> -   <value><string·size="22">D:20240629125837-12'00</string></value>
>> +   <value><string·size="22">D:20260905043016+14'00</string></value>
>> IIRC I was able to suppress that problem in the latest experimental
>> upload. It turned out to be a makefile variable override fuckup on my
>> part.
>> Unfortunately the experimental package currently fails to build so the
>> diffoscope output is not on the CI server anymore. Last I built it what I
>> was seeing was (suspected) sort() reordering of help output depending on
>> locale. This is incorporated into the docs build hence the repro problem.
>> Looked something like this according to my notes:
>> -synthesis for Intel (Altera) FPGAs.
>> -synth_intel
>>  synthesis for ALM-based Intel (Altera) FPGAs.
>>  synth_intel_alm
>> +synthesis for Intel (Altera) FPGAs.
>> +synth_intel
>>  synthesis for Lattice FPGAs
>>  synth_lattice
>>  <bram_type>
>> The problem comes from me (quite intentionally) only overriding LC_*/TZ
>> for
>> the docs build, not the main yosys binary build. So my guess is the help
>> texts are hardcoded into the binary at build time somehow and this depends
>> on locale. This is where you it would help if you know or could ask your
>> collegues if that hypothesis makes any sense or what :)
>> I did an audit of all the sort()ish calls in yosys during mDebConf Berlin
>> to find the culprit but alas I forgot to write down my suspect :] Note:
>> keep in mind this could also be an unstable ordering rather than a local
>> dependent sort() I have not yet proved the sort() hypothesis.
>> An easy fix would be to override LC_* in Debian but we don't like to do
>> that because ideally your upstream version shouldn't have this
>> reproducibility hazard in the first place. This way other distros can
>> benefit too.
>> BTW: The reason overriding in our packaging is OK for latex/graphviz IMO
>> is
>> that the bugs are problems with those packages not yours so we'll either
>> fix them upstream or in the corresponding Debian packages. If
>> reproducibility is a concern you care about too you could opt to do this
>> override in your build system but I would perhaps recommend against doing
>> it in the released yosys Makefile as it would lessen the incentives for
>> the
>> root cause upstreams to fix their problems.
>> The help text reordering does represent a problem in yosys though so it
>> should be fixed there.
>> Thanks,
>> --Daniel
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