Nearly reproducible Bookworm 12.6 live images

Steve McIntyre steve at
Wed Jul 3 21:09:36 UTC 2024

On Wed, Jul 03, 2024 at 06:44:37PM +0200, Roland Clobus wrote:
>Hello lists,
>I'm sooo close...
>Now that that 12.6 live images have been generated [1], there is only one
>embedded timestamp left (/boot/grub/live-theme/theme.txt and its parent
>I've not seen this timestamp issue before, as I am using a slightly different
>way of building the image than live-setup uses.
>live-setup uses a local cache of the git repository of live-build, to avoid
>being blocklisted by salsa for heavy traffic, caused by parallel builds.
>This local cache brings that this file could have an old timestamp, whereas
>my local builds always used 'now' (caused by git clone), which would be
>properly truncated to SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH, and therefore be reproducible.
>I'll prepare a patch, and hopefully the next set of live images (12.6.1 or
>12.7.0) will be fully reproducible.

Awesome stuff! :-)

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve at
"When C++ is your hammer, everything looks like a thumb." -- Steven M. Haflich

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