whatsrc: Added live-bootstrap provenance data

kpcyrd kpcyrd at archlinux.org
Sat Aug 31 18:51:26 UTC 2024

Dear list,

I've added live-bootstrap <https://github.com/fosslinux/live-bootstrap> 
to the list of distros I import. On the following page:


It now lists this source code is considered `zlib 1.2.13` in 
live-bootstrap, it was also seen in Gentoo, Guix, openSUSE and Wolfi OS.

 From their readme, live-bootstrap's objective is:

 > How can a usable Linux system be created with only human-auditable, 
and wherever possible, human-written, source code?

They also have a note about pre-processed source code archives:

 > GNU Guix is currently the furthest along project to automate 
bootstrapping. However, there are a number of non-auditable files used 
in many of their packages. Here is a list of file types that we deem 
unsuitable for bootstrapping.
 > [...]
 > 2. Any pre-generated configure scripts, or Makefile.in’s from autotools.

I did find instances of source code inputs that seem autotools 

libffi 3.3: 
curl 8.5.0: 

But I strongly agree with the overall stance.

In total the following vendors are currently present in the database:

- alpine
- archlinux
- crates.io (partial)
- debian
- fedora
- gentoo
- guix
- homebrew
- kali
- live-bootstrap
- opensuse
- registry.yarnpkg.com (partial)
- ubuntu
- void
- wolfi
- yocto


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