(java) Builds not reproducible on armhf

Mechtilde Stehmann mechtilde at debian.org
Mon Aug 26 04:46:35 UTC 2024

Hello Chris,

Am 26.08.24 um 00:05 schrieb Chris Hofstaedtler:
> [..]
>> Dates are 2022-06-08 as expected and not 1970-01-03 as described
>> at tests.rb.o.
> [..]
>>>    https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/history/armhf/vinnie.html
> I briefly looked at vinnie. Given it is arch:all, I kinda expect it
> to produce the "same" deb regardless of the arch it is built on.
> libvinnie-java_2.0.2-3_all.deb in the archive was built on
> x86-grnet-03, so on amd64. It does -not- contain a 1970-x-y
> timestamp.
> I'll note that fakeroot was probably broken on armel, armhf since
> the t64 migration until mid-August.
> Is fakeroot involved in any way? If so, it might make sense to
> discard any results from that period.

Thanks for your explanations.
Are there plans to ran the tests again?

> Chris

Mechtilde Stehmann
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