Announcing Android Reproducible Builds at IzzyOnDroid with rbtlog

Simon Josefsson simon at
Thu Aug 1 03:36:26 UTC 2024

Fay Stegerman <flx at> writes:

> rbtlog [3] is a Reproducible Builds transparency log for Android APKs.  Its git
> repository contains scripts forming a rebuilder framework, recipes to build
> various apps, rebuild logs forming a transparency log of reproduction attempts,
> and CI workflows to automate everything.  It allows anyone to easily run a
> rebuilder for any apps available from a git repository with release tags plus
> accompanying APKs built and signed by the developer.

Nice!  Are the build dependencies (e.g., Android SDK) built from source
these days, or are they used as a untrusted binary blob during these
builds?  I recall rebuilding Android SDK from source used to be tricky.


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