[EXTERNAL] Which conferences are folks attending these days?

Stephen Walli Stephen.Walli at microsoft.com
Fri Apr 19 04:27:05 UTC 2024

SCaLE https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/21x
+1 425 785 6102 (he/him)
“Thursday Morning Coffee<https://microsoft.sharepoint.com/teams/ThursdayMorningCoffee#thursday-morning-coffee-with-stephe>” on Standards & Open Source
N.B. My working day may not be your working day! Please don’t feel obliged to read or reply to this e-mail outside of your normal working hours.

From: rb-general <rb-general-bounces at lists.reproducible-builds.org> on behalf of Chris Lamb <chris at reproducible-builds.org>
Date: Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 6:45 AM
To: rb-general <rb-general at lists.reproducible-builds.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Which conferences are folks attending these days?
Hey -general,

I was talking to a bunch of RB folks yesterday, and  we  came  to  the
loosely shared view that, after peak  Covid  and  other  industry-wide
changes, conferences are no  longer  the  "must  attend"  events  they
previously were… especially  in  the  area  of  software  supply-chain
security.  In rough, practical  terms,  it  seems  harder  to  justify
conference travel today than it did in mid-2019.

To that end, what conferences are folks on this list still  going  to,
and, hopefully, still getting something from?  I mean, there  must  be
some exceptions other than FOSDEM… :)

Best wishes,

    ⬋   ⬊      Chris Lamb
   o     o     reproducible-builds.org 💠
    ⬊   ⬋

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