New research paper about Reproducible-Builds at IEEE 44th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

Marcel Fourné email at
Fri Jun 16 08:54:52 UTC 2023

Dear all,

as some of you may know, since I worked with you on this, we just released our paper
"It’s like flossing your teeth: On the Importance and Challenges of Reproducible Builds for Software Supply Chain Security"
at IEEE S&P 2023 (informally "Oakland", and presented a short talk about it at the symposium.
While a talk recording may be published in the future, I want to share the final paper with you all, including an additional appendix:

The focus of the paper is about security aspects of reproducible builds and why we need them as a prerequisite for any software supply chain security not founded on signing and trusting binaries of which we don't know how they were created.
I hope for further feedback from you and just like the interest from people during the conference - being encouraged to ramble about SBOMs on stage, how they behave more like hopefully kept up-to-date documentation.

Anyway, I hope to be of help and thank those of you who helped me compile this paper specifically as well as all of you for your interest and other work!


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