Reproducible builds stickers and flyers needed for FrOSCon 2022

Mattia Rizzolo mattia at
Mon Aug 29 09:28:07 UTC 2022


Here is the person with the stickers in hand! :S

On Sat, Aug 06, 2022 at 06:14:28AM +0200, Fabian Keil wrote:
> > > The page "Brainstorming the reproducible builds logo design" [4]
> > > mentions stickers but it's unclear to me if stickers have been
> > > created (yet).
> > 
> > we've printed stickers and buttons with the logo, but sadly we don't have
> > any stickers in Europe atm which can be shipped to you in time for FrOSCon.
> > It's really a unfortunate timing, if you had asked 48h earlier it would
> > have been possible to ship some to you, but now the person with the stickers
> > is away from them for some / too many days...
> Thanks for the information.

I have 330 stickers here at this time; the current plan was to keep them
for the upcoming R-B Summit
( and then leave the
remaining to Holger, who tends to go to way more events than me.

> While it may be unfortunately to late for FrOSCon 2022, I also could
> use stickers for future ElectroBSD booths or other free-software-related
> events.

Of course!

If you have no plans between now and the R-B Summit, we could ship half
of the remaining stickers to you after the event (and leave the other
half to Holger).
Otherwise, how many stickers do you foresee needing?  I doubt it, but in
case we are going to print more, I could include your "needs" in that.

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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