Help us map the reproducible builds ecosystem

kpcyrd kpcyrd at
Mon Aug 2 11:47:45 UTC 2021

On Mon, Aug 02, 2021 at 11:07:21AM +0100, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Really appreciated. As a reminder, we're looking for entities that are
> participating in some way in reproducible builds or have done so in
> the past. This could be technology projects, organisations,
> individuals, etc. and indeed any type of entity you consider to be
> associated with what we're all up to here.

The pad currently only really lists projects/distros, but this section
reads like you're looking for the people who've been involved for those
projects too? :)

> Please reply here or on the pad if this request isn't entirely clear,
> but otherwise please head on over to the pad one more time. If it
> helps though, if you're unsure about whether something should be on
> there, please err on the side of adding it...

I think clarrifying the motivation of the mapping might help. :)


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