[rb-general] help needed: twitter irc bot down

Jelle van der Waa jelle at vdwaa.nl
Wed Jan 15 19:11:14 UTC 2020

On 01/15/20 at 07:05pm, Holger Levsen wrote:
> hi,
> as you might have noticed, ReproBird, our friendly irc bot relaying
> messages concerning reproducible builds from twitter and also allowing
> us to post there, is down.
> Lunar, who thankfully has been operating it for many years, couldnt get
> it to restart again (it now just eats memory until it crashes), and doesnt
> have time to look into this.
> It used to run on Debian oldstable, using virtualenv python2.7 and mongo
> db.

Does Debian still support mongodb? It changed it license to something
'interesting'? Maybe it's a good idea to look into an alternative


Jelle van der Waa
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