[rb-general] Wished field in buildinfo files (debian)

Juan Picca jumapico at gmail.com
Fri Dec 7 13:58:57 CET 2018

Hi all.

About the fields listed in the buildinfo files [1], has sense to ask
for the inclusion of a field with the date of the build and the
distribution used to use with snapshot.debian.org?

To reproduce a package (manually for now) maybe is convenient and easy
for the creation of the schroot used by sbuild an url based in s.d.o
with the timestamp of the build and the distribution used.

For example in the buildinfo file for 0ad [2] I would like a field
similar to (name can change):

Build-Snapshot: /archive/debian/20181203T153211Z testing

This is a direct field to use instead of following the steps:

1. Convert the Build-Date from "Tue, 04 Dec 2018 11:35:52 +1400" to
"20181203T213552Z" (iso8601)
2. Find in https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/?year=2018&month=12
the snapshot for that date, in this example "20181203T153211Z"
3. Find the distribution in the corresponding changelog file [3] for
the package version: unstable

This field can be deduced; adds noise.

Any comment is welcomed.

[1]: https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/dpkg-dev/deb-buildinfo.5.en.html
[2]: https://buildinfo.debian.net/59470baf6899922c6b970964638c786054f43aca/0ad_0.0.23-1_amd64.buildinfo
[3]: https://sources.debian.org/src/0ad/0.0.23-1/debian/changelog/

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