[rb-general] GCC build-path patch getting blocked

Vagrant Cascadian vagrant at debian.org
Tue Sep 5 06:26:26 CEST 2017

On 2017-08-16, Ximin Luo wrote:
> It looks like the GCC reviewer that looked at my patch this time
> around, really doesn't like environment variables. They seem to be
> happy to support the variable (including the syntax) as a command-line
> flag however.

> The original patch fixed ~1800 packages, which were unreproducible due
> to a combination of (a) __FILE__, (b) CFLAGS et al being embedded into
> the output, and (c) packages/upstreams not honoring CFLAGS in the
> first place, and (d) possibly other reasons.
> For these reasons, I have the following proposal, as a work around for the time being:
> 1. Patch GCC to support BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP as a command-line flag. this will at least fix packages affected by (a).

What about a compromise, patching GCC to support a commandline flag
"--respect-build-path-prefix-map-variable" that tells it to respect the
BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP as an environment variable?

The commandline flag could essentially be a boolean, and would fix (a)
as well as (b).

Or maybe GCC is just fundamentally opposed to environment variables at

This is perhaps a correlary to the additional variable added to some of
the latex toolchain that basically said "really, use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH
for the current time please, please, really"

live well,
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