[Git][reproducible-builds/reproducible-notes][master] python-pip became mostly reproducible ages ago

Paul Gevers (@elbrus) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Sep 29 04:59:30 UTC 2024

Paul Gevers pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / reproducible-notes

5ade3942 by Paul Gevers at 2024-09-29T06:59:14+02:00
python-pip became mostly reproducible ages ago

The linked bug was fixed in 2016.

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- issues.yml
- packages.yml


@@ -1776,19 +1776,6 @@ randomness_in_browserify_lite_output:
   description: |
     uglifyjs does not create deterministic output in, for example, JS dicts.
-  description: |
-    src:wheel generates METADATA files with Requires-Dist lines with
-    non-deterministic ordering.
-    .
-    In python-pip's urllib3-1.15.1.dist-info/METADATA, a Requires-Dist header has two version constraints; they appear in random order.
-    .
-    Reproduces in amd64/unstable but not on other archs, so may be non-deterministic (eg hash order).
-    .
-    Example:
-      │   │   │   │   │ -Requires-Dist: PySocks (>=1.5.6,<2.0); extra == 'socks'
-      │   │   │   │   │ +Requires-Dist: PySocks (<2.0,>=1.5.6); extra == 'socks'
-  url: https://bugs.debian.org/845325
   description: |
     src:casacore's measuresdata script generates .dat files that embed the

@@ -22833,10 +22833,6 @@ python-pint:
     (e.g. /tmp/ipykernel_1956444/2705669124.py) in documentation and
     other explicit timestamps (e.g. "iopub.execute_input":
     "2021-12-06T21:30:17.934182Z"). Maybe sphinx or numpy related?
-  version: 8.1.2-2
-  issues:
-    - nondeterministic_ordering_in_python_wheel_metadata_versions
   version: 0.11.1+dfsg2-1

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-notes/-/commit/5ade3942da5d9d736e3bbbc731a2dffeab4c290b

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-notes/-/commit/5ade3942da5d9d736e3bbbc731a2dffeab4c290b
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