[Git][reproducible-builds/reproducible-website][master] 3 commits: hamburg2023: Add notes about success stories
Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras (@devrtz)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Nov 2 17:10:55 UTC 2023
Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / reproducible-website
6cb21712 by Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras at 2023-11-02T18:09:42+01:00
hamburg2023: Add notes about success stories
- - - - -
89a1285b by Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras at 2023-11-02T18:10:25+01:00
hamburg2023: Use consistent URLs for "born reproducible"
- - - - -
5824ef7c by Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras at 2023-11-02T18:10:34+01:00
hamburg2023: Fix links
- - - - -
3 changed files:
- _events/hamburg2023/agenda.md
- _events/hamburg2023/born-repro.md
- + _events/hamburg2023/rb-success.md
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ Day 2 - Wednesday, November 1st TODO
* 13.00 Lunch
* 14.00 Collaborative Working Sessions
* [Verification use cases]({{ "/events/hamburg2023/verification2/" | relative_url }})
- * [Web site audiences]({{ "/events/hamburg2023/source-mirrors/" | relative_url }})
- * [Enabling new projects to be "born reproducible"]({{ "/events/hamburg2023/source-mirrors/" | relative_url }})
- * RB Success Stories FIXME (no notes in the pad)
+ * [Web site audiences]({{ "/events/hamburg2023/site-audiences/" | relative_url }})
+ * [Born Reproducible I]({{ "/events/hamburg2023/born-reproducible-1/" | relative_url }})
+ * [RB Success Stories]({{ "/events/hamburg2023/success/" | relative_url }})
* RB relationship to SBOM FIXME (no notes in the pad)
* 15.15 Break
* 15:30 Hacking Time
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ layout: event_detail
title: Collaborative Working Sessions - Born Reproducible I
event: hamburg2023
order: 213
-permalink: /events/hamburg2023/site-audiences/
+permalink: /events/hamburg2023/born-reproducible-1/
- Who is running it
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+layout: event_detail
+title: Collaborative Working Sessions - Success stories
+event: hamburg2023
+order: 214
+permalink: /events/hamburg2023/success/
+# Real world success stories: What we know works
+- clear cases
+ - `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH` *widely* honored and standardized
+ - ElectroBSD (distribution tar balls amd64)
+ - near 500 Java project produce RB releases (see Reproducible Central)
+ - Yocto base
+ - NixOS minimal installation ISO reproducible
+ - Tails ISO
+ - Tor Browser is reproducible
+ - Debian docker images
+ - diverse double compilation to encounter Trusting-trust attacs
+ - Debian policy
+ - bitcoin core
+ - find+fix corruption bugs
+- nobody knows (missing docs etc)
+ - zig
+ - go toolchain?
+ - android
+ - Spoon: An AST parsing and transformation library for Java
+ https://github.com/INRIA/spoon
+ - openSuSE at 97%
+ - GitHub reproroducible build badge
+ - spytrap-adb
+ - F-Droid 90% new apps included are reproducible
+ - bootstrappable.org
+ - coreboot
+ - deveoper stories
+# Real world success stories we need or are searching for
+(RB Success Stories Desired)
+## column 1: < 100%
+* 96% binary pkg reproducible debian cloud image
+* K && N trust in GNU Guix substitues by default
+* Debug Packages
+* Debian Install Images reproducible
+## column 2
+* 150 java projects try fail at getting RB release (really hard to read) J
+* f-droid: older apps RB verify but not yet switched
+* only release reproducible packages (stage until verified)
+## column 3
+* Reproducible compilers built with other compilers. e.g. gcc built via clang then rebuild gcc with that
+* setting up CI RB system for FEdora RPMs
+* Install images rebuilt on different distro
+* Install images rebuilt by different organisations
+* Repo reproducible as opposed to deterministic build
+* Debian snapshot scalable
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-website/-/compare/052785fb090d39eff25b410cbcc3a3188cae2a59...5824ef7c84be49fe5c27fdc626868dbec0c32b64
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-website/-/compare/052785fb090d39eff25b410cbcc3a3188cae2a59...5824ef7c84be49fe5c27fdc626868dbec0c32b64
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