[Git][reproducible-builds/reprotest][master] 3 commits: Support passing --vary=locales.locale=LOCALE to specify locale to

Vagrant Cascadian (@vagrant) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon Feb 20 00:22:14 UTC 2023

Vagrant Cascadian pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / reprotest

a92f741b by Vagrant Cascadian at 2023-02-17T17:30:13-08:00
Support passing --vary=locales.locale=LOCALE to specify locale to

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84496fa5 by Holger Levsen at 2023-02-18T13:34:49+01:00
drop TODO comment it was implemented with the previous commit, a92f741b

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

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b2a6f6ff by Holger Levsen at 2023-02-18T13:40:37+01:00
mention interesting locales in README

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

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2 changed files:

- README.rst
- reprotest/build.py


@@ -288,6 +288,13 @@ time.faketimes
     Note that the clock continues to run during the build. It is possible for
     ``faketime(1)`` to freeze it, but we don't yet support that yet; it has a
     higher chance of causing your build to fail or misbehave.
+    A semicolon-separated list one or more locales to test when
+    performing locales variations.
+    If multiple locales are specified, one will be chosen at random.
+    Some more interesting locales are fr_CH.UTF-8, ru_RU.CP1251, kk_KZ.RK1048
+    or zh_CN.
+    Default is et_EE.UTF-8 if unspecified.
 The difference between --vary and --variations is that the former appends onto
 previous values but the latter resets them. Furthermore, the last value set for

@@ -367,9 +367,10 @@ def locales(ctx, build, vary):
     if not vary:
         return build.add_env('LANG', 'C.UTF-8').add_env('LANGUAGE', 'en_US:en')
-        # TODO: support specifying locale to vary
         # Use an Estonian locale by default, which has interesting sort order for ASCII characters
         loc = 'et_EE.UTF-8'
+        if ctx.spec.locales.locale:
+            loc = random.choice(ctx.spec.locales.locale)
         if ctx.verbosity >= 1:
             logger.info("LOCALE variation: LC_ALL = " + loc + " LANGUAGE = " + loc + ":fr")
         return build.add_env('LANG', loc).add_env('LC_ALL', loc).add_env('LANGUAGE', '%s:fr' % loc)
@@ -576,6 +577,10 @@ class DomainHostVariation(collections.namedtuple('_DomainHostVariation', 'use_su
     def default(cls):
         return cls(0)
+class LocalesVariation(collections.namedtuple('_LocaleVariation', 'locale')):
+    @classmethod
+    def default(cls):
+        return cls(mdiffconf.strlist_set(";"))
 class VariationSpec(mdiffconf.ImmutableNamespace):
@@ -585,6 +590,7 @@ class VariationSpec(mdiffconf.ImmutableNamespace):
             "user_group": UserGroupVariation.default(),
             "time": TimeVariation.default(),
             "domain_host": DomainHostVariation.default(),
+            "locales": LocalesVariation.default(),
         return cls(**{k: default_overrides.get(k, True) for k in variations})

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reprotest/-/compare/610e6cae15fe8d066303694af97bf3a09a6b01c2...b2a6f6ffee10a2558b28908ef7568e4aec397b80

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reprotest/-/compare/610e6cae15fe8d066303694af97bf3a09a6b01c2...b2a6f6ffee10a2558b28908ef7568e4aec397b80
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