[Git][reproducible-builds/reproducible-presentations][master] 10 years r-b cccamp talk: compact further, be bold that trixie is Debian 13

Holger Levsen (@holger) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Aug 11 19:30:29 UTC 2023

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / reproducible-presentations

31bcf2de by Holger Levsen at 2023-08-11T21:30:17+02:00
10 years r-b cccamp talk: compact further, be bold that trixie is Debian 13

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

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1 changed file:

- 2023-08-19-R-B-the-first-10-years/index.html


@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
         <p>Who am I</p>
-          <li>Holger Levsen / holger at debian.org, located in Hamburg, Germany. He/him.</li>
+          <li>Holger Levsen / holger at debian.org, located in Hamburg, Germany. He/him 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️.</li>
           <li>Debian user since 1995, contributing since 2001, Debian member since 2007. I ❤️  Debian.</li>
           <li><span class="fragment">Working on Reproducible Builds since 2014.
           trying to make all ❤️  Free Software reproducible.</span></li>
@@ -382,17 +382,17 @@ And the idea is also much older than 10 years...
           <li class="fragment">Enable anyone to independently verify that a given source produces bit by bit identical results.</li>
           <li class="fragment">Reproducible Builds are an important building block in making supply chains more secure. Nothing more, nothing less.</li>
-          <li class="fragment">As a side effect: you can only be sure a binary is free software if it has been reproduced. <em>Someone elses binary is only </em>certainly<em> free software if it's reproducible!</em></li>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
-        <h3>The definition</h3>
+        <h3>
+	  https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/definition/
+	</h3>
           <li style="font-size: 80%">When is a build reproducible?</li>
           <li class="fragment">A build is reproducible if given the same source code, build environment and build instructions, any party can recreate bit-by-bit identical copies of all specified artifacts.</li>
           <li class="fragment" style="font-size: 80%">The relevant attributes of the build environment, the build instructions and the source code as well as the expected reproducible artifacts are defined by the authors or distributors. The artifacts of a build are the parts of the build results that are the desired primary output.<li>
-	  <li class="fragment">https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/definition/</li>
@@ -768,17 +768,6 @@ Arch Linux is 86.4% reproducible with 1701 bad and 10849 good packages.
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
-        <h3>Did I say <em>bullseye</em>?</h3>
-	<ul>
-	<li>So what about <em>bookworm</em>?
-        <li class="fragment">We are at 96.2% (33018 out of 34313 source packages) CI reproducibiliy for <em>bookworm</em>.</li>
-	<li class="fragment">YAY.</li>
-	</ul>
-      </section>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
@@ -853,15 +842,9 @@ Arch Linux is 86.4% reproducible with 1701 bad and 10849 good packages.
-      <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
-        <h3><em>reprotest</em></h3>
-       	<ul>
-        <li>"btw", <em>reprotest</em> is basically unmaintained upstream.</li>
-	</ul>
-     </section>
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
-        <h3>trixie goals</h3>
+        <h3>Debian 13 / trixie goals</h3>
 	More than 12 months until the next freeze.
     	<li class="fragment">0 packages without .buildinfo files..</li>
@@ -872,7 +855,7 @@ Arch Linux is 86.4% reproducible with 1701 bad and 10849 good packages.
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
-        <h3>trixie goals</h3>
+        <h3>Debian 13 / trixie goals</h3>
     	<li class="fragment">snapshot.debian.org usable for mass rebuilds by many users for all architectures.</li>
     	<li class="fragment">more rebuilders! (instead of more CI builders)</li>
@@ -883,7 +866,7 @@ Arch Linux is 86.4% reproducible with 1701 bad and 10849 good packages.
       <section data-background="images/Fisty-sprayed-Stencil_Neonpink.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
-        <h3><em>post</em> trixie goals</h3>
+        <h3><em>post</em> Debian 13 / trixie goals</h3>
     	<li class="fragment">debian-policy: reproducible packages must not regress</li>
     	<li class="fragment">debian-policy: all packages (in testing and then stable) must be reproducible</li>

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-presentations/-/commit/31bcf2de879db49b1e4fc200e76dd55b3435d728

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-presentations/-/commit/31bcf2de879db49b1e4fc200e76dd55b3435d728
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