[Git][reproducible-builds/reproducible-presentations][master] debian hamburg reunion r-b talk slides: basically done, pending review

Holger Levsen (@holger) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat May 28 14:08:31 UTC 2022

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / reproducible-presentations

0a00d57a by Holger Levsen at 2022-05-28T16:08:23+02:00
debian hamburg reunion r-b talk slides: basically done, pending review

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

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1 changed file:

- 2022-05-28-reproducible-builds-for-bullseye-bookwork-and-beyond/index.html


@@ -559,14 +559,15 @@ Arch Linux is 86.4% reproducible with 1701 bad and 10849 good packages.
       <section data-background="images/debianreunionhh2022-hearts-bigger-diamond-i-dot-same-color-more-centered-bigger-hearts-pl.svg" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
-        <h3>meaningful reproducibilty of Debian is possible for</h3>
+        <h3>meaningful reproducibilty of Debian is possible for:</h3>
         <li class="fragment">Debian installer images, are reproducible when build from git, as shown by Roland Clobus. The problem here is that automated testing of d-i images fails almost constantly in sid and testing...</li>
         <li class="fragment">Debian Live images are reproducible using <em>live-build</em> as shown by Roland Clobus.</em>.</li>
         <li class="fragment">reproducible package installation != reproducible packages</li>
-        <li class="fragment">future of Debian live images uncertain.</em>
+        <li class="fragment">future of Debian live images uncertain, though we have 3 choices now: none, unreproducible or reproducible. I know which I'd pick.</em></li>
+        <li class="fragment">again, amd64 only because of snapshot.d.o issues</li>
@@ -590,10 +591,33 @@ Arch Linux is 86.4% reproducible with 1701 bad and 10849 good packages.
         <li class="fragment">Debian policy: too early for "must", but maybe for <em>trixie</em> we can have "must not regress"?</li>
+      <section data-background="images/debianreunionhh2022-hearts-bigger-diamond-i-dot-same-color-more-centered-bigger-hearts-pl.svg" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
+        <h3><em>other issues, salsa CI related</em></h3>
+       	<ul>
+        <li>"btw", <em>reprotest</em> is basically unmaintained upstream.</li>
+	</ul>
+     </section>
+      <section data-background="images/debianreunionhh2022-hearts-bigger-diamond-i-dot-same-color-more-centered-bigger-hearts-pl.svg" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
+        <h3>bullseye goals, 6-12 months left</h3>
+	<ul>
+    	<li class="fragment">0 packages without .buildinfo files..</li>
+    	<li class="fragment">build-essential reproducible.</li>
+    	<li class="fragment">d-i images reproducible.</li>
+    	<li class="fragment">live images reproducible.</li>
+    	<li class="fragment">arm64 on our snapshot mirror.</li>
+    	<li class="fragment">a 2nd rebuilder of ftp.debian.org</li>
+	</ul>
+      </section>
       <section data-background="images/debianreunionhh2022-hearts-bigger-diamond-i-dot-same-color-more-centered-bigger-hearts-pl.svg" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
-        <h3>Eventually...</h3>
+        <h3>trixie goals</h3>
+    	<li class="fragment">I still haven't found what I'm looking for, these are rather long term goals, but nothing strategic yet:</li>
+    	<li class="fragment">0 bugs with patches unuploaded. Currently there are 313 of these. 2 NMUs per week, uploaded to DELAYED/14.</li>
+    	<li class="fragment">snapshot.debian.org usable for mass rebuilds of all architectures by many users.</li>
+    	<li class="fragment">.buildinfo files known and used by <pre>dak</pre>.</li>
     	<li class="fragment">#863622: apt: warn when installing packages that are not reproducible</li>

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-presentations/-/commit/0a00d57af51e21e61e869104a5488039f35963e3

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