[Git][reproducible-builds/reproducible-website][master] 2021-12: Fix Julien Voisin's name

kpcyrd (@kpcyrd) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Jan 4 13:57:53 UTC 2022

kpcyrd pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / reproducible-website

8bd5f5c2 by kpcyrd at 2022-01-04T14:57:45+01:00
2021-12: Fix Julien Voisin's name

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- _reports/2021-12.md


@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ As a quick recap of what reproducible builds is trying to address, whilst anyone
 [![]({{ "/images/reports/2021-12/tails.png#right" | relative_url }})](https://tails.boum.org/)
-Early in December, Julian Voisin blogged about setting up a [*rebuilderd*](https://rebuilderd.com/) instance in order to reproduce [Tails](https://tails.boum.org/) images. Working on [previous work from 2018](https://dustri.org/b/please-try-to-build-tails-reproducibly.html), Julian has now set up a [public-facing instance](https://rebuilderd.dustri.org/) which is providing build attestations.
+Early in December, Julien Voisin blogged about setting up a [*rebuilderd*](https://rebuilderd.com/) instance in order to reproduce [Tails](https://tails.boum.org/) images. Working on [previous work from 2018](https://dustri.org/b/please-try-to-build-tails-reproducibly.html), Julien has now set up a [public-facing instance](https://rebuilderd.dustri.org/) which is providing build attestations.
-As [Julian dryly notes in his post](https://dustri.org/b/reproducing-tails-with-rebuilderd.html), “Currently, this isn't really super-useful to anyone, except maybe some Tails developers who want to check that the release manager didn't backdoor the released image.” Naturally, we would contend — sincerely — that this *is* indeed useful.
+As [Julien dryly notes in his post](https://dustri.org/b/reproducing-tails-with-rebuilderd.html), “Currently, this isn't really super-useful to anyone, except maybe some Tails developers who want to check that the release manager didn't backdoor the released image.” Naturally, we would contend — sincerely — that this *is* indeed useful.

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-website/-/commit/8bd5f5c2f4d58e0b2bae422ce434928360863b35

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-website/-/commit/8bd5f5c2f4d58e0b2bae422ce434928360863b35
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