[Git][reproducible-builds/reproducible-website][master] 2 commits: Correct cachebusting for ARDC post.
Chris Lamb (@lamby)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon Apr 25 17:32:01 UTC 2022
Chris Lamb pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / reproducible-website
8b2ec233 by Chris Lamb at 2022-04-25T10:07:18-07:00
Correct cachebusting for ARDC post.
- - - - -
2f626b72 by Chris Lamb at 2022-04-25T10:31:51-07:00
Add initial draft of GOSST post.
- - - - -
4 changed files:
- _posts/2022-04-08-supporter-spotlight-ardc.md
- + _posts/2022-04-25-supporter-spotlight-google-open-source-security-team.md
- + images/news/supporter-spotlight-gosst/gosst.png
- + images/news/supporter-spotlight-gosst/sigstore.png
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ available as possible.
someone wanted to know more about ARDC or to get involved, where might they
go to look?**
To learn more about ARDC in general, please visit our website at
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+layout: post
+title: "Supporter spotlight: Google Open Source Security Team (GOSST)"
+date: 2022-04-25 10:00:00
+categories: org
+draft: true
+<big>The Reproducible Builds project relies on [several projects, supporters
+and sponsors]({{ "/who/" | relative_url }}) for financial support, but they are
+also valued as ambassadors who spread the word about our project and the work
+that we do.</big>
+This is the fourth instalment in a series featuring the projects, companies
+and individuals who support the Reproducible Builds project. If you are a
+supporter of the Reproducible Builds project (of whatever size) and would like
+to be featured here, please let get in touch with us at
+[contact at reproducible-builds.org](mailto:contact at reproducible-builds.org).
+We started this series by
+[featuring the Civil Infrastructure Platform]({{ "/news/2020/10/21/supporter-spotlight-cip-project/" | relative_url }})
+project and followed this up with a
+[post about the Ford Foundation]({{ "/news/2021/04/06/supporter-spotlight-ford-foundation/" | relative_url }})
+as well as a [recent one about ARDC]({{ "/news/2022/04/14/supporter-spotlight-ardc/" | relative_url }}). However,
+today, we'll be talking with **Meder Kydyraliev** of the
+[**Google Open Source Security Team** (GOSST)](https://security.googleblog.com/).
+**Chris Lamb: Hi Meder, thanks for taking the time to talk to us today. So, for
+someone who has not heard of the Google Open Source Security Team (GOSST)
+before, could you tell us what your team is about?**
+Meder: Of course. The Google Open Source Security Team (or 'GOSST') was created
+in 2020 to work with the open source community at large, with the goal of
+making the open source software that everyone relies on more secure.
+**Chris: What kinds of activities is the GOSST involved in?**
+Meder: The range of initiatives that the team is involved in recognizes the
+diversity of the ecosystem and unique challenges that projects face on their
+security journey. For example, our sponsorship of [sos.dev](http://sos.dev/)
+ensures that developers are rewarded for security improvements to open source
+projects, whilst the long term work on improving
+[Linux kernel security](http://sec.org/wiki/index.php/Kernel_Self_Protection_Project)
+tackles specific kernel-related vulnerability classes.
+Many of the projects GOSST is involved with aim to make it easier for
+developers to improve security through automated assessment
+([Scorecards](https://github.com/ossf/scorecard) and
+[Allstar](https://github.com/ossf/allstar)) and vulnerability discovery tools
+([OSS-Fuzz](https://google.github.io/oss-fuzz/), [ClusterFuzzLite](https://github.com/google/clusterfuzzlite),
+[FuzzIntrospector](https://github.com/ossf/fuzz-introspector)), in addition to
+contributing to infrastructure to make adopting certain ‘best practices’
+easier. Two great examples of best practice efforts are
+[Sigstore](https://sigstore.dev/) for artifact signing and
+[OSV](https://osv.dev/) for automated vulnerability management.
+**Chris: The usage of open source software has exploded in the last decade, but
+supply-chain hygiene and best practices has seemingly not kept up. How does
+GOSST see this issue and what approaches is it taking to ensure that past and
+future systems are resilient?**
+Meder: Every open source ecosystem is a complex environment and that awareness
+informs our approaches in this space. There are, of course, no ‘silver
+bullets’, and long-lasting and material supply-chain improvements requires
+infrastructure and tools that will make lives of open source developers easier,
+all whilst improving the state of the wider software supply chain.
+As part of a broader effort, we created the [Supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts](https://slsa.dev/)
+framework that has been used internally at Google to protect
+production workloads. This framework describes the best practices for source
+code and binary artifact integrity, and we are engaging with the community on
+its refinement and adoption. Here, package managers (such as PyPI, Maven
+Central, Debian, etc.) are an essential link in the software supply chain due
+to their near-universal adoption; users do not download and compile their own
+software anymore. GOSST is starting to work with package managers to explore
+ways to collaborate together on improving the state of the supply chain and
+helping package maintainers and application developers do better… all with the
+understanding that many open source projects are developed in spare time as a hobby!
+Solutions like [this](https://security.googleblog.com/2022/04/improving-software-supply-chain.html),
+which are the result of [collaboration between GOSST and GitHub](https://github.blog/2022-04-07-slsa-3-compliance-with-github-actions/),
+are very encouraging as they demonstrate a way to materially strengthen
+software supply chain security with readily available tools, while also
+improving development workflows.
+For GOSST, the problem of supply chain security also covers vulnerability
+management and solutions to make it easier for everyone to discover known
+vulnerabilities in open source packages in a scalable and automated way. This
+has been has been difficult in the past due to lack of consistently
+high-quality data in an easily-consumable forma. To address this, we’re working
+on infrastructure ([OSV.dev](https://osv.dev/)) to make vulnerability data more easily accessible
+as well as a widely adopted and automation friendly [data format](https://ossf.github.io/osv-schema).
+**Chris: How does the Reproducible Builds effort help GOSST achieve its goals?**
+Meder: Build reproducibility has a lot of attributes that are attractive as
+part of generally good ‘build hygiene’. As an example, hermeticity, one of
+[requirements to meet SLSA level 4](https://slsa.dev/spec/v0.1/levels#summary-of-levels),
+makes it much easier to reason about the dependencies of a piece of software.
+This is an enormous benefit during vulnerability or supply chain incident
+On a higher level, however, we always think about reproducibility from the
+viewpoint of a user and the threats that reproducibility protects them from.
+Here, a lot of progress has been made, of course, but a lot of work remains to
+make reproducibility part of everyone's software consumption practices.
+**Chris: If someone wanted to know more about GOSST or follow the team's work,
+where might they go to look?**
+Meder: We post regular updates on [Google's Security Blog](https://security.googleblog.com/)
+and on the [Linux hardening mailing list](https://lore.kernel.org/linux-hardening/).
+We also welcome community participation in the projects we work on! See any of
+the projects linked above or [OpenSSF's GitHub projects page](https://github.com/ossf)
+for a list of efforts you can contribute to directly if you want to get
+involved in strengthening the open source ecosystem.
+**Chris: Thanks for taking the time to talk to us today.**
+Meder: No problem. :)
+*For more information about the Reproducible Builds project, please see our website at
+[reproducible-builds.org]({{ "/" | relative_url }}). If you are interested in
+ensuring the ongoing security of the software that underpins our civilisation
+and wish to sponsor the Reproducible Builds project, please reach out to the
+project by emailing
+[contact at reproducible-builds.org](mailto:contact at reproducible-builds.org).*
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/news/supporter-spotlight-gosst/gosst.png differ
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/news/supporter-spotlight-gosst/sigstore.png differ
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-website/-/compare/d02e1b492a2daaa24a4e7e3cb3a408bb09d3d1bd...2f626b72895299c2f3771e21280eb4451aac862a
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-website/-/compare/d02e1b492a2daaa24a4e7e3cb3a408bb09d3d1bd...2f626b72895299c2f3771e21280eb4451aac862a
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