[Git][reproducible-builds/reproducible-website][master] 3 commits: Render news items with identical CSS to monthly reports.
Chris Lamb (@lamby)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Apr 5 09:30:39 UTC 2022
Chris Lamb pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / reproducible-website
7d7de5b1 by Chris Lamb at 2022-04-05T10:15:12+01:00
Render news items with identical CSS to monthly reports.
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1a741086 by Chris Lamb at 2022-04-05T10:25:01+01:00
Increase the maximum width of blog/news posts.
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655f347f by Chris Lamb at 2022-04-05T10:30:17+01:00
ARDC post draft.
- - - - -
9 changed files:
- _layouts/post.html
- + _posts/2022-04-08-supporter-spotlight-ardc.md
- assets/styles/custom.scss
- + images/news/supporter-spotlight-ardc/Amateurfunkstation.jpg
- + images/news/supporter-spotlight-ardc/ardc-sm.png
- + images/news/supporter-spotlight-ardc/ardc.png
- + images/news/supporter-spotlight-ardc/cvarc.png
- + images/news/supporter-spotlight-ardc/hoopa-nsn.png
- + images/news/supporter-spotlight-ardc/iana.png
@@ -16,4 +16,6 @@ layout: default
{{ page.date | date: "%b %-d, %Y" }}{% if page.author %} • {{ page.author }}{% endif %}{% if page.meta %} • {{ page.meta }}{% endif %}
+<div class="blog-post-content">
{{ content }}
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+layout: post
+title: "Supporter spotlight: Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC)"
+date: 2022-04-05 09:00:00
+categories: org
+draft: true
+<big>The Reproducible Builds project relies on [several projects, supporters
+and sponsors]({{ "/who/" | relative_url }}) for financial support, but they are
+also valued as ambassadors who spread the word about the project and the work
+that we do.</big>
+This is the third instalment in a series featuring the projects, companies
+and individuals who support the Reproducible Builds project. If you are a
+supporter of the Reproducible Builds project (of whatever size) and would like
+to be featured here, please let get in touch with us at
+[contact at reproducible-builds.org](mailto:contact at reproducible-builds.org).
+We started this series by
+[featuring the Civil Infrastructure Platform]({{ "/news/2020/10/21/supporter-spotlight-cip-project/" | relative_url }})
+project and followed this up with a
+[post about the Ford Foundation]({{ "/news/2021/04/06/supporter-spotlight-ford-foundation/" | relative_url }}). Today,
+however, we'll be talking with **Dan Romanchik**, Communications Manager at
+[**Amateur Radio Digital Communications** (ARDC)](https://www.ampr.org/)..
+**Chris Lamb: Hey Dan, it's nice to meet you! So, for someone who has not
+heard of Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) before, could you tell
+us what your foundation is about?**
+Dan: Sure! ARDC's mission is to support, promote, and enhance experimentation,
+education, development, open access, and innovation in amateur radio, digital
+communication, and information and communication science and technology. We
+fulfill that mission in two ways:
+1. We administer an allocation of IP addresses that we call 44Net. These IP
+addresses (in the ** IP range) can only be used for amateur radio
+applications and experimentation.
+2. We make grants to organizations whose work aligns with our mission. This
+includes amateur radio clubs as well as other amateur radio-related
+organizations and activities. Additionally, we support scholarship programs for
+people who either have an amateur radio license or are pursuing careers in
+technology, [STEM education](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science,_technology,_engineering,_and_mathematics)
+and open-source software development projects that fit our mission, such as
+Reproducible Builds.
+**Chris: How might you relate the importance of amateur radio and similar
+technologies to someone who is non-technical?**
+Dan: Amateur radio is important in a number of ways. First of all, amateur
+radio is a **public service**. In fact, the legal name for amateur radio is the
+*Amateur* Radio Service, and one of the primary reasons that amateur radio
+exists is to provide emergency and public service communications. All over the
+world, amateur radio operators are prepared to step up and provide emergency
+communications when disaster strikes or to provide communications for events
+such as marathons or bicycle tours.
+Second, amateur radio is important because it helps **advance the state of the
+art**. By experimenting with different circuits and communications techniques,
+amateurs have made significant contributions to communications science and
+Third, amateur radio plays a big part in **technical education**. It enables
+students to experiment with wireless technologies and electronics in ways that
+aren't possible without a license. Amateur radio has historically been a
+gateway for young people interested in pursuing a career in engineering or
+science, such as network or electrical engineering.
+Fourth — and this point is a little less obvious than the first three — amateur
+radio is a way to enhance *international goodwill and community*. Radio knows
+no boundaries, of course, and amateurs are therefore ambassadors for their
+country, reaching out to all around the world.
+Beyond amateur radio, ARDC also supports and promotes research and innovation
+in the broader field of digital communication and information and communication
+science and technology. Information and communication technology plays a big
+part in our lives, be it for business, education, or personal communications.
+For example, think of the impact that cell phones have had on our culture. The
+challenge is that much of this work is proprietary and owned by large
+corporations. By focusing on open source work in this area, we help open the
+door to innovation outside of the corporate landscape, which is important to
+overall technological resiliency.
+**Chris: Could you briefly outline the history of ARDC?**
+Dan: Nearly forty years ago, a group of visionary 'hams' saw the future
+possibilities of what was to become the internet and requested an address
+allocation from the
+[Internet Assigned Numbers Authority](https://www.iana.org/) (IANA). That
+allocation included more than sixteen million IPv4 addresses, ****
+through ****. These addresses have been used exclusively for
+amateur radio applications and experimentation with digital communications
+techniques ever since. In 2011, the informal group of hams administering these
+addresses incorporated as a nonprofit corporation, Amateur Radio Digital
+Communications (ARDC). ARDC is recognized by IANA,
+[ARIN](https://www.arin.net/) and the other Internet Registries as the sole
+owner of these addresses, which are also known as [AMPRNet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMPRNet)
+or 44Net.
+Over the years, ARDC has assigned addresses to thousands of hams on a long-term
+loan (essentially acting as a zero-cost lease), allowing them to experiment
+with digital communications technology. Using these IP addresses, hams have
+carried out some very interesting and worthwhile research projects and
+developed practical applications, including TCP/IP connectivity via radio
+links, digital voice, telemetry and repeater linking.
+Even so, the amateur radio community never used much more than half the
+available addresses, and today, less than one third of the address space is
+assigned and in use. This is one of the reasons that ARDC, in 2019, decided to
+sell one quarter of the address space (or approximately 4 million IP addresses)
+and establish an endowment with the proceeds. This endowment now funds ARDC's a
+suite of grants, including scholarships, research projects, and of course
+amateur radio projects. Initially, ARDC was restricted to awarding grants to
+organizations in the United States, but is now able to provide funds to
+organizations around the world.
+**Chris: How does the Reproducible Builds effort help ARDC achieve its goals?**
+Dan: Our aspirational goals include:
+* Broad reach. We look for projects that will benefit the widest community
+ possible.
+* Social over commercial benefit. We prioritize giving to organizations and
+ funding projects that may not have a viable business model, but provide a
+ clear benefit to society.
+* Preservation of the right to innovate. We oppose any efforts that restrict
+ innovation to protect the status quo and keep the current winners in
+ privileged positions.
+We think that the Reproducible Builds' efforts in helping to ensure the safety
+and security of open source software closely align with those goals.
+**Chris: Are there any specific 'success stories' that ARDC is particularly
+proud of?**
+Dan: We are really proud of our grant to the [Hoopa Valley Tribe](https://www.hoopa-nsn.gov/)
+in California. With a population of nearly 2,100, their reservation is the
+largest in California. Like everywhere else, the COVID-19 pandemic hit the
+reservation hard, and the lack of broadband internet access meant that 130
+children on the reservation were unable to attend school remotely.
+The ARDC grant allowed the tribe to address the immediate broadband needs in
+the Hoopa Valley, as well as encourage the use of amateur radio and other
+two-way communications on the reservation. The first nation was able to deploy
+a network that provides broadband access to approximately 90% of the residents
+in the valley. And, in addition to bringing remote education to those 130
+children, the Hoopa now use the network for remote medical monitoring and
+consultation, adult education, and other applications.
+Other successes include our grants to:
+* The [ARRL Foundation](http://www.arrl.org/the-arrl-foundation), which has
+ awarded dozens of scholarships over the past couple of years to amateur radio
+ operators both young and old.
+* The [Chippewa Valley Amateur Club](https://w9cva.org/), who used the grant to
+ build an emergency communications trailer and improve the emergency
+ communication infrastructure in their community.
+* [Woodridge Middle School](https://www.ampr.org/grants-operation-hamulanche/),
+ who have developed innovative, hands-on, radio-related projects that have
+ dramatically increased the test scores of the kids in their STEM program.
+* The [Make Operating Radio Easier (MORE) Project](https://www.ampr.org/grant-make-operating-radio-easier-more/),
+ which aims to reduce both gender and age imbalances in ham radio, through
+ education and hands-on activities. Led by the IEEE Central Jersey Section,
+ MORE provides mentoring, proactive intervention, and inclusivity to groups
+ that are under-represented in amateur radio.
+**Chris: ARDC supports a number of other existing projects and initiatives, not
+all of them in the open source world. How much do you feel being a part of the
+broader 'free culture' movement helps you achieve your aims?**
+Dan: In general, we find it challenging that most digital communications technology
+is proprietary and closed-source. It's part of our mission to fund open source
+alternatives. Without them, we are solely reliant, as a society, on corporate
+interests for our digital communication needs. It makes us vulnerable and it
+puts us at risk of increased surveillance. Thus, ARDC supports open source
+software wherever possible, and our grantees must make a commitment to share
+their work under an open source license or otherwise make it as freely
+available as possible.
+**Chris: Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us today. Now, if
+someone wanted to know more about ARDC or to get involved, where might they
+go to look?**
+To learn more about ARDC in general, please visit our website at
+To learn more about 44Net, go to
+And, finally, to learn more about our grants program, go to
+*For more about the Reproducible Builds project, please see our website at
+[reproducible-builds.org]({{ "/" | relative_url }}). If you are interested in
+ensuring the ongoing security of the software that underpins our civilisation
+and wish to sponsor the Reproducible Builds project, please reach out to the
+project by emailing
+[contact at reproducible-builds.org](mailto:contact at reproducible-builds.org).*
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color: inherit;
- @media (min-width: 750px) {
+ @media (min-width: 800px) {
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+ max-width: 800px;
text-align: justify;
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/news/supporter-spotlight-ardc/Amateurfunkstation.jpg differ
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View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-website/-/compare/b8493617f01ead0b5561a289077637ba12721741...655f347fcec7b6d093be3395ff7fc0d2045eebe0
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