[Git][reproducible-builds/diffoscope][master] 2 commits: Refactor find_executable into an explicit method. (Re: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#283)

Chris Lamb (@lamby) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Oct 26 09:55:51 UTC 2021

Chris Lamb pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / diffoscope

d2ac5465 by Chris Lamb at 2021-10-26T10:52:10+01:00
Refactor find_executable into an explicit method. (Re: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#283)

- - - - -
e2d3abe8 by Chris Lamb at 2021-10-26T10:55:35+01:00
Try some alternative suffixes (eg. ".py") to support distributions that strip or retain them. (Closes: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#283)

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- diffoscope/tools.py


@@ -29,9 +29,6 @@ except ImportError:
 from .profiling import profile
-# Memoize calls to ``which`` to avoid excessive stat calls
-find_executable = functools.lru_cache()(shutil.which)
 # The output of --help and --list-tools will use the order of this dict.
 # Please keep it alphabetized.
 OS_NAMES = collections.OrderedDict(
@@ -44,6 +41,24 @@ OS_NAMES = collections.OrderedDict(
+ at functools.lru_cache()
+def find_executable(cmd):
+    """
+    Given a command name (eg. `dumppdf`), return the absolute path to that
+    command. Will also try the command with some common suffixes (eg.
+    `dumppdf.py`) to support distributions that strip or retain them.
+    Returns an empy string (``) if no command is found.
+    """
+    for suffix in ("", ".py"):
+        val = shutil.which(f"{cmd}{suffix}")
+        if val:
+            return val
+    return ""
 def get_tools(only_missing=False):
     """Return the tool configuration in a dict"""

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/diffoscope/-/compare/34cde92c4e6c6e473c21d660bd78624f0e688644...e2d3abe863e8a3f9760a396c57eaa07e0e394ff6

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/diffoscope/-/compare/34cde92c4e6c6e473c21d660bd78624f0e688644...e2d3abe863e8a3f9760a396c57eaa07e0e394ff6
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