[Git][reproducible-builds/reproducible-misc][master] 4 commits: black clean-notes

Mattia Rizzolo (@mattia) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon May 31 14:05:33 UTC 2021

Mattia Rizzolo pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / reproducible-misc

ce71cf26 by Mattia Rizzolo at 2021-05-31T15:24:00+02:00
black clean-notes

Signed-off-by: Mattia Rizzolo <mattia at debian.org>

- - - - -
e24d78bd by Mattia Rizzolo at 2021-05-31T16:04:26+02:00
clean-notes: handle NFU and blacklisted properly, now that the .json has them again

Signed-off-by: Mattia Rizzolo <mattia at debian.org>

- - - - -
93136891 by Mattia Rizzolo at 2021-05-31T16:04:56+02:00
clean-notes: warn about blacklisted packages not documented in the notes

Signed-off-by: Mattia Rizzolo <mattia at debian.org>

- - - - -
071ded16 by Mattia Rizzolo at 2021-05-31T16:05:21+02:00
clean-notes: exit with error in case of erros, now there should be no reason to ignore them anymore

Signed-off-by: Mattia Rizzolo <mattia at debian.org>

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- clean-notes


@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 from apt_pkg import version_compare
 import apt
+import sys
 import yaml
 import argparse
@@ -37,39 +38,56 @@ This script is also able to show you other information:
 * not-usertagged: list bugs listed in notes but without usertags
 * archived-bugs: list bugs that are archived, probably they need to be removed
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc,
-                                 formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter
-                                 )
-parser.add_argument('-e', '--enable', action='append', default=[],
-                    help="enable a particular view (choose from above)")
-parser.add_argument('-d', '--disable', action='append', default=[],
-                    help="disable a particular view (choose from above)")
-parser.add_argument("--ignore-duplicates", action="store_true",
-                    help="ATTENTION! This option remove any duplicated " +
-                         "field present in the file!")
-parser.add_argument('-s', '--sort-only', action='store_true',
-                    help='Only sort the notes, do no clean up')
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    description=desc, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter
+    "-e",
+    "--enable",
+    action="append",
+    default=[],
+    help="enable a particular view (choose from above)",
+    "-d",
+    "--disable",
+    action="append",
+    default=[],
+    help="disable a particular view (choose from above)",
+    "--ignore-duplicates",
+    action="store_true",
+    help="ATTENTION! This option remove any duplicated " + "field present in the file!",
+    "-s", "--sort-only", action="store_true", help="Only sort the notes, do no clean up"
 parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true")
 parser.add_argument("-n", "--dry-run", action="store_true")
-args = type('DefaultArgs', (object,), {
-    'verbose': False,
-    'ignore_duplicates': False,
+args = type(
+    "DefaultArgs",
+    (object,),
+    {
+        "verbose": False,
+        "ignore_duplicates": False,
+    },
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
     args = parser.parse_args()
     disabled_features = [
-        'fixed-magically',
-        'new-tested-version',
-        'missing-usertagged',
-        'not-usertagged',
-        'now-fixed',
-#        'missing-version',
-        'archived-bugs',
-        ]
+        "fixed-magically",
+        "new-tested-version",
+        "missing-usertagged",
+        "not-usertagged",
+        "now-fixed",
+        #        'missing-version',
+        "archived-bugs",
+    ]
     for feature in args.enable:
         if feature in args.disable:
@@ -100,25 +118,27 @@ log.debug(args)
 def scalar_node_eq(self, other):
-    return self.id == other.id and \
-        self.tag == other.tag and \
-        self.value == other.value
+    return self.id == other.id and self.tag == other.tag and self.value == other.value
 yaml.nodes.ScalarNode.__eq__ = scalar_node_eq
 def scalar_node_hash(self):
     return hash((self.id, self.tag, self.value))
 yaml.nodes.ScalarNode.__hash__ = scalar_node_hash
 def compose_mapping_node(self, anchor):
     start_event = self.get_event()
     tag = start_event.tag
-    if tag is None or tag == u'!':
+    if tag is None or tag == u"!":
         tag = self.resolve(yaml.nodes.MappingNode, None, start_event.implicit)
-    node = yaml.nodes.MappingNode(tag, [],
-                                  start_event.start_mark, None,
-                                  flow_style=start_event.flow_style)
+    node = yaml.nodes.MappingNode(
+        tag, [], start_event.start_mark, None, flow_style=start_event.flow_style
+    )
     if anchor is not None:
         self.anchors[anchor] = node
     seen = set()
@@ -126,10 +146,12 @@ def compose_mapping_node(self, anchor):
         key_event = self.peek_event()
         item_key = self.compose_node(node, None)
         if item_key in seen:
-            raise yaml.composer.ComposerError("while composing a mapping",
-                                              start_event.start_mark,
-                                              "found duplicate key",
-                                              key_event.start_mark)
+            raise yaml.composer.ComposerError(
+                "while composing a mapping",
+                start_event.start_mark,
+                "found duplicate key",
+                key_event.start_mark,
+            )
         item_value = self.compose_node(node, item_key)
         node.value.append((item_key, item_value))
@@ -137,26 +159,33 @@ def compose_mapping_node(self, anchor):
     node.end_mark = end_event.end_mark
     return node
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
     if not args.ignore_duplicates:
         yaml.composer.Composer.compose_mapping_node = compose_mapping_node
 def check_notes_validity(notes, testedpkgs):
+    errors = False
     for pkg in sorted(notes):
         note = notes[pkg]
         if pkg not in testedpkgs:
-            if 'issues' in note and (
-                'blacklisted_on_jenkins' in note['issues'] or
-                'ftbfs_in_jenkins_setup' in note['issues'] or
-                'ftbfs_build_depends_not_available_on_amd64' in note['issues']
-                ):
-                    pass
+            if "issues" in note and "ftbfs_in_jenkins_setup" in note["issues"]:
+                pass
                     "the package %s was never tested. Maybe it's misspelled?",
+                errors = True
+            continue
+        if testedpkgs[pkg]["status"] == "blacklisted":
+            if "ftbfs_in_jenkins_setup" not in note.get("issues", []):
+                log.critical(
+                    "the package %s is blacklisted, but no note was found", pkg
+                )
+                errors = True
+    return errors
 def check_bugs(notes):
@@ -165,75 +194,104 @@ def check_bugs(notes):
     bugs = []
     for pkg in sorted(notes, key=str):
-        if 'bugs' in notes[pkg]:
-            for bug in notes[pkg]['bugs']:
+        if "bugs" in notes[pkg]:
+            for bug in notes[pkg]["bugs"]:
                 bugs.append((str(pkg), int(bug)))
-    log.debug("looking throught bugs listed in the notes and check whether " +
-              "they are usertagged")
+    log.debug(
+        "looking throught bugs listed in the notes and check whether "
+        + "they are usertagged"
+    )
     if not bugs:
     bugs_list = sorted([x[1] for x in bugs])
     bugs_package = {x[1]: x[0] for x in bugs}
-    ids = 'id='
+    ids = "id="
     for bug in bugs_list[:-1]:
-        ids += '%s OR id=' % bug
+        ids += "%s OR id=" % bug
     ids += str(bugs_list[-1])
-    rows = remote.query_udd(conn_udd, """SELECT id FROM bugs_usertags WHERE
+    rows = remote.query_udd(
+        conn_udd,
+        """SELECT id FROM bugs_usertags WHERE
                      email='reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org' AND (
-                     %s )""" % ids)
+                     %s )"""
+        % ids,
+    )
+    import webbrowser
     for bug in bugs_list:
         # the results from SELECT are a list of one-element tuples, so we have
         # have to look up 1-tuples with the bug number in the list
         if (bug,) not in rows:
-            log.info("https://bugs.debian.org/%s in package %s "
-                     "is not usertagged", bug, bugs_package[bug])
+            log.info(
+                "https://bugs.debian.org/%s in package %s " "is not usertagged",
+                bug,
+                bugs_package[bug],
+            )
+            webbrowser.open("https://bugs.debian.org/{}".format(bug))
 def find_old_notes(testedpkgs, notes):
     log.debug("parsing the reproducible.json and the notes to find weirdness")
     toremove = []
     for pkg in sorted(notes, key=str):
-        if 'version' not in notes[pkg] and \
-           'missing-version' not in args.disable:
+        if "version" not in notes[pkg] and "missing-version" not in args.disable:
             log.info("There is no version set for the package " + pkg)
             item = testedpkgs[pkg]
         except KeyError:
             # this is due to
-# https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git/commit/?id=275309
+            # https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git/commit/?id=275309
             # and later commits to that file, otherwise this would be
             # quite a issue
-            log.debug(pkg + ' was not tested. Skipping cruft check.')
+            log.debug(pkg + " was not tested. Skipping cruft check.")
-        if item['version'] == notes[pkg].get('version') and \
-           item['status'] == 'reproducible' and \
-           (notes[pkg].get('issues') and
-            'timestamps_in_png' not in notes[pkg]['issues']) and \
-           'fixed-magically' not in args.disable:
-            log.info("%s/%s has a note for the version %s but that version is "
-                     "reproducible", remote.RB_SITE, pkg, item['version'])
-        if item['status'] == 'reproducible' and \
-            notes[pkg].get('version') and \
-            'now-fixed' not in args.disable and \
-           (notes[pkg].get('issues') and
-            'timestamps_in_png' not in notes[pkg]['issues']) and \
-            version_compare(str(item['version']),
-                            str(notes[pkg]['version'])) > 0:
-            log.info("The package " + pkg +
-                     " is now reproducible but still listed in the notes")
+        if (
+            item["version"] == notes[pkg].get("version")
+            and item["status"] == "reproducible"
+            and (
+                notes[pkg].get("issues")
+                and "timestamps_in_png" not in notes[pkg]["issues"]
+            )
+            and "fixed-magically" not in args.disable
+        ):
+            log.info(
+                "%s/%s has a note for the version %s but that version is "
+                "reproducible",
+                remote.RB_SITE,
+                pkg,
+                item["version"],
+            )
+        if (
+            item["status"] == "reproducible"
+            and notes[pkg].get("version")
+            and "now-fixed" not in args.disable
+            and (
+                notes[pkg].get("issues")
+                and "timestamps_in_png" not in notes[pkg]["issues"]
+            )
+            and version_compare(str(item["version"]), str(notes[pkg]["version"])) > 0
+        ):
+            log.info(
+                "The package "
+                + pkg
+                + " is now reproducible but still listed in the notes"
+            )
-        if notes[pkg].get('version') and \
-            version_compare(str(item['version']),
-                            str(notes[pkg]['version'])) > 0:
-            if 'new-tested-version' not in args.disable:
+        if (
+            notes[pkg].get("version")
+            and version_compare(str(item["version"]), str(notes[pkg]["version"])) > 0
+        ):
+            if "new-tested-version" not in args.disable:
                 log.info("The package " + pkg + " has a new tested version")
     return toremove
 def get_bugs():
-    query = 'SELECT * FROM bugs_usertags ' + \
-            "WHERE email='reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org'"
+    query = (
+        "SELECT * FROM bugs_usertags "
+        + "WHERE email='reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org'"
+    )
     rows = remote.query_udd(conn_udd, query)
     # returns a list of tuples (email, tag, id)
     bugs = {}
@@ -246,18 +304,23 @@ def get_bugs():
 def detect_archived_bugs(notes):
-    query = 'SELECT u.id ' \
-            'FROM bugs_usertags AS u JOIN archived_bugs AS a ON u.id=a.id ' \
-            "WHERE u.email='reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org'"
+    query = (
+        "SELECT u.id "
+        "FROM bugs_usertags AS u JOIN archived_bugs AS a ON u.id=a.id "
+        "WHERE u.email='reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org'"
+    )
     rows = [x[0] for x in remote.query_udd(conn_udd, query)]
     for pkg in sorted(notes.keys()):
-            for bug in notes[pkg]['bugs']:
+            for bug in notes[pkg]["bugs"]:
                 if bug in rows:
-                        'https://bugs.debian.org/%s in %s/%s is archived',
-                        bug, remote.RB_SITE, pkg)
-                    notes[pkg]['bugs'].remove(bug)
+                        "https://bugs.debian.org/%s in %s/%s is archived",
+                        bug,
+                        remote.RB_SITE,
+                        pkg,
+                    )
+                    notes[pkg]["bugs"].remove(bug)
         except KeyError:
@@ -275,39 +338,39 @@ def parse_bugs(bugs):
     log.debug("find out if filed bugs are also noted in the notes")
     packages = {}
-    ids = ''
+    ids = ""
     bugs_list = sorted(bugs.keys())
-    ignored_tags = ['toolchain', 'infrastructure']
-    OR = ''
+    ignored_tags = ["toolchain", "infrastructure"]
+    OR = ""
     for bug in bugs_list[:-1]:
         if not [i for i in bugs[bug] if i in ignored_tags]:
-            ids += '%sb.id=%s' % (OR, bug)
-            OR = ' OR '
+            ids += "%sb.id=%s" % (OR, bug)
+            OR = " OR "
     if not [i for i in bugs[bugs_list[-1]] if i in ignored_tags]:
-        ids += OR + 'b.id=%s' % bugs_list[-1]
+        ids += OR + "b.id=%s" % bugs_list[-1]
     # the join avoid picking virtual packages
     query = "SELECT DISTINCT b.id, b.source, b.done "
     query += "FROM bugs AS b JOIN sources AS s ON b.source=s.source "
-    query += "WHERE %s""" % ids
+    query += "WHERE %s" "" % ids
     rows = remote.query_udd(conn_udd, query)
-    log.info('%d bugs found', len(rows))
+    log.info("%d bugs found", len(rows))
     for item in rows:
         if item[2]:  # do not consider closed bugs
-            packages[item[1]]['bugs'].append(item[0])
+            packages[item[1]]["bugs"].append(item[0])
         except KeyError:
-                packages[item[1]]['bugs'] = [item[0]]
+                packages[item[1]]["bugs"] = [item[0]]
             except KeyError:
                 packages[item[1]] = {}
-                packages[item[1]]['bugs'] = [item[0]]
+                packages[item[1]]["bugs"] = [item[0]]
         for tag in bugs[item[0]]:
-                packages[item[1]]['usertags'].append(tag)
+                packages[item[1]]["usertags"].append(tag)
             except KeyError:
-                packages[item[1]]['usertags'] = [tag]
+                packages[item[1]]["usertags"] = [tag]
     return packages
@@ -316,27 +379,36 @@ def join_notes_bugs(notes, bugs):
         if package not in testedpkgs:
             # maybe the bug is for a removed package?
-        for bug in sorted(bugs[package]['bugs']):
+        for bug in sorted(bugs[package]["bugs"]):
-                if 'bugs' in notes[package]:
-                    if bug not in notes[package]['bugs']:
-                        log.info("https://bugs.debian.org/%s"
-                                 " in package %s"
-                                 " is not listed in notes.git.",
-                                 bug, package)
-                        notes[package]['bugs'].append(bug)
+                if "bugs" in notes[package]:
+                    if bug not in notes[package]["bugs"]:
+                        log.info(
+                            "https://bugs.debian.org/%s"
+                            " in package %s"
+                            " is not listed in notes.git.",
+                            bug,
+                            package,
+                        )
+                        notes[package]["bugs"].append(bug)
-                    log.info("https://bugs.debian.org/%s in %s is not listed "
-                             "in notes.git.", bug, package)
-                    notes[package]['bugs'] = [bug]
+                    log.info(
+                        "https://bugs.debian.org/%s in %s is not listed "
+                        "in notes.git.",
+                        bug,
+                        package,
+                    )
+                    notes[package]["bugs"] = [bug]
             except KeyError:
-                log.info("https://bugs.debian.org/%s in "
-                         "%s is not listed in notes.git.",
-                         bug, package)
+                log.info(
+                    "https://bugs.debian.org/%s in " "%s is not listed in notes.git.",
+                    bug,
+                    package,
+                )
                 notes[package] = {}
-                notes[package]['bugs'] = [bug]
+                notes[package]["bugs"] = [bug]
                 # just try guessing the version (prefers unstable)
-                notes[package]['version'] = testedpkgs[package]['version']
+                notes[package]["version"] = testedpkgs[package]["version"]
     return notes
@@ -346,29 +418,33 @@ def cleanup_notes(notes, toremove):
     return notes
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    if 'not-usertagged' not in args.disable or \
-       'missing-usertagged' not in args.disable or \
-       'archived-bugs' not in args.disable:
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    if (
+        "not-usertagged" not in args.disable
+        or "missing-usertagged" not in args.disable
+        or "archived-bugs" not in args.disable
+    ):
         conn_udd = remote.start_udd_connection()
     notes = yamlfiles.load_notes()
     if not args.sort_only:
         testedpkgs = remote.load_reproducible_status()
-        check_notes_validity(notes, testedpkgs)
+        errors = check_notes_validity(notes, testedpkgs)
         toremove = find_old_notes(testedpkgs, notes)
         toremove = []
     notes = cleanup_notes(notes, toremove)
-    if 'not-usertagged' not in args.disable:
+    if "not-usertagged" not in args.disable:
-    if 'missing-usertagged' not in args.disable:
+    if "missing-usertagged" not in args.disable:
         bugs = get_bugs()
         bugs = parse_bugs(bugs)
         notes = join_notes_bugs(notes, bugs)
-    if 'archived-bugs' not in args.disable:
+    if "archived-bugs" not in args.disable:
     if not args.dry_run:
-        log.info("Don't write out the %s file, as requested (dry-run).",
-                 yamlfiles.NOTES_YAML)
+        log.info(
+            "Don't write out the %s file, as requested (dry-run).", yamlfiles.NOTES_YAML
+        )
+    sys.exit(errors)

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-misc/-/compare/1795ea7feef3d83420cc48e1a74a34e4004e050a...071ded162e0fa57e8f9fb62751a2c218b908a2e9

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-misc/-/compare/1795ea7feef3d83420cc48e1a74a34e4004e050a...071ded162e0fa57e8f9fb62751a2c218b908a2e9
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