[Git][reproducible-builds/diffoscope][master] 5 commits: Drop unused File import.

Chris Lamb (@lamby) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Aug 27 08:14:17 UTC 2021

Chris Lamb pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / diffoscope

11b63720 by Chris Lamb at 2021-08-26T16:59:58+01:00
Drop unused File import.

- - - - -
85e9acd2 by Chris Lamb at 2021-08-26T17:10:23+01:00
We can pass -f to apktool to avoid creating a strangely-named subdirectory.

- - - - -
79d91730 by Chris Lamb at 2021-08-26T17:11:45+01:00
Clarify a comment.

Gbp-Dch: ignore

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3f8d9b33 by Chris Lamb at 2021-08-26T17:22:57+01:00
Only use "java -jar /path/to/apksigner.jar" if we have a .jar; newer versions of apksigner use a shell wrapper script which will obviously be rejected by the JVM.

- - - - -
53ca3a31 by Chris Lamb at 2021-08-27T09:11:47+01:00
releasing package diffoscope version 182

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- diffoscope/__init__.py
- diffoscope/comparators/apk.py


@@ -1,8 +1,23 @@
-diffoscope (182) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+diffoscope (182) unstable; urgency=medium
-  * WIP (generated upon release).
- -- Chris Lamb <lamby at debian.org>  Fri, 20 Aug 2021 10:04:49 +0100
+  [ Chris Lamb ]
+  * Also ignore, for example, spurious "fwGCC: (Debian ... )" lines in output
+    from strings(1).
+  * Only use "java -jar /path/to/apksigner.jar" if we have a .jar as newer
+    versions of apksigner use a shell wrapper script which will obviously be
+    rejected by the JVM. Also mention in the diff if apksigner is missing.
+  * Pass "-f" to apktool to avoid creating a strangely-named subdirectory and
+    to simplify code.
+  * If we specify a suffix for temporary file or directory, ensure it starts
+    with a "_" to make the generated filenames more human-readable.
+  * Drop an unused File import.
+  * Update the minimum version of the Black source code formatter.
+  [ Santiago Torres Arias ]
+  * Support parsing the return value of squashfs versions which discriminate
+    between fatal and non-fatal errors.
+ -- Chris Lamb <lamby at debian.org>  Fri, 27 Aug 2021 09:11:44 +0100
 diffoscope (181) unstable; urgency=medium

@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with diffoscope.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-VERSION = "181"
+VERSION = "182"

@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ from diffoscope.exc import RequiredToolNotFound
 from diffoscope.tools import tool_required, find_executable
 from diffoscope.tempfiles import get_temporary_directory
-from .utils.file import File
 from .utils.archive import Archive
 from .utils.command import Command
 from .utils.compare import compare_files
@@ -48,22 +47,22 @@ class ApkContainer(Archive):
     def open_archive(self):
         self._members = []
         self._tmpdir = get_temporary_directory(suffix="apk")
-        self._unpacked = os.path.join(
-            self._tmpdir.name, os.path.basename(self.source.name)
-        )
         self._andmanifest = None
         self._andmanifest_orig = None
-        logger.debug("Extracting %s to %s", self.source.name, self._unpacked)
+        logger.debug(
+            "Extracting %s to %s", self.source.name, self._tmpdir.name
+        )
+                "-f",
-                self._unpacked,
+                self._tmpdir.name,
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ class ApkContainer(Archive):
         # Optionally extract a few files that apktool does not
         for x in ("classes.dex", "resources.arsc"):
-                ("unzip", "-d", self._unpacked, self.source.path, x),
+                ("unzip", "-d", self._tmpdir.name, self.source.path, x),
@@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ class ApkContainer(Archive):
-                        self._unpacked,
+                        self._tmpdir.name,
@@ -95,28 +94,28 @@ class ApkContainer(Archive):
             except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
-        for root, _, files in os.walk(self._unpacked):
+        for root, _, files in os.walk(self._tmpdir.name):
             current_dir = []
             for filename in files:
                 abspath = os.path.join(root, filename)
-                # apktool.yml is a file created by apktool and containing
-                # metadata information. Rename it to clarify and always make it
-                # appear at the beginning of the directory listing for
+                # apktool.yml is a file created by apktool which contains
+                # metadata information. We eename it for clarity and always
+                # make it appear at the beginning of the directory listing for
                 # reproducibility.
                 if filename == "apktool.yml":
                     abspath = filter_apk_metadata(
                         abspath, os.path.basename(self.source.path)
-                    relpath = abspath[len(self._unpacked) + 1 :]
+                    relpath = abspath[len(self._tmpdir.name) + 1 :]
                     current_dir.insert(0, relpath)
-                relpath = abspath[len(self._unpacked) + 1 :]
+                relpath = abspath[len(self._tmpdir.name) + 1 :]
                 if filename == "AndroidManifest.xml":
-                    containing_dir = root[len(self._unpacked) + 1 :]
+                    containing_dir = root[len(self._tmpdir.name) + 1 :]
                     if containing_dir == "original":
                         self._andmanifest_orig = relpath
                     if containing_dir == "":
@@ -146,7 +145,7 @@ class ApkContainer(Archive):
         return self._members
     def extract(self, member_name, dest_dir):
-        return os.path.join(self._unpacked, member_name)
+        return os.path.join(self._tmpdir.name, member_name)
     def compare_manifests(self, other):
         my_android_manifest = self.get_android_manifest()
@@ -193,15 +192,18 @@ class Apksigner(Command):
     def cmdline(self):
-        # In Debian, the `apksigner` binary is a symbolic link to the .jar file
-        # itself, requiring binfmt_misc support to execute directly. We
-        # therefore resolve its location and pass that to `java -jar`.
-        apksigner_jar = find_executable("apksigner")
-        return [
-            "java",
-            "-jar",
-            apksigner_jar,
+        # Older versions of the `apksigner` binary under /usr/bin (or similar)
+        # are a symbolic link to the apksigner .jar file. If we detect a .jar
+        # we resolve its 'real' location and pass that to `java -jar`, so we
+        # don't need kernel binfmt_misc to execute. We can't do this in all
+        # situations as later versions of apksigner use a wrapper script and
+        # will therefore fail to run at all if we use `java -jar`.
+        apksigner = os.path.realpath(find_executable("apksigner"))
+        prefix = ["java", "-jar"] if apksigner.endswith(".jar") else []
+        return prefix + [
+            apksigner,

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/diffoscope/-/compare/2ec50ebdcd5d5fc1d5e458d55d46427086e5fb90...53ca3a31da173fa2d927011bd7e2c803fb021f6d

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/diffoscope/-/compare/2ec50ebdcd5d5fc1d5e458d55d46427086e5fb90...53ca3a31da173fa2d927011bd7e2c803fb021f6d
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