[Git][reproducible-builds/reproducible-website][master] contribute: start subpage for Debian and structure for more projects and us being upstream

Holger Levsen gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Apr 30 23:36:33 UTC 2021

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / reproducible-website

5f133c19 by Holger Levsen at 2021-05-01T01:36:11+02:00
contribute: start subpage for Debian and structure for more projects and us being upstream

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- + contribute/debian.md
- contribute/index.md


@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+layout: default
+title: Contribute to Debian
+permalink: /contribute/debian
+## Task suggestions for Debian
+1. If you maintain a package for Debian, you can make sure that your package
+   uses a [modern debhelper style](https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debhelper/blob/master/dh)
+   (e.g. one-liner `debian/rules` with overrides as needed). We aim to fix many
+   causes of non-deterministic builds in the debhelper suite directly, so
+   packages that use debhelper will be much easier to make reproducible with
+   just an upgrade of the toolchain.
+1. [Inventory issues](#inventorying-issues) found by the continuous integration
+   platform.
+1. [Fix known reproducibility issues](#fixing-issues). See the
+   [inventory of identified issues](https://reproducible.debian.net/index_issues.html).
+1. Improve our common [tools]({{ "/tools/" | relative_url }}):
+   [diffoscope](https://tracker.debian.org/diffoscope),
+   [strip-nondeterminism](https://tracker.debian.org/strip-nondeterminism),
+   [disorderfs](https://tracker.debian.org/disorderfs).
+1. Redesign [reproducible.debian.net](https://reproducible.debian.net/) status
+   pages using a CSS toolkit like Bootstrap.
+1. Enhance [dak](https://tracker.debian.org/dak)
+   [support for .buildinfo](https://bugs.debian.org/763822).
+1. Research how to run rebuilds on ''buildd''s.
+1. Research on how change dak to only accept packages after multiple matching
+   builds.
+1. Hack binNMU infrastructure (dak?) so `.dsc` for binNMUs are kept in the archive
+   instead of being thrown away.
+To get help, feel free to ask on the IRC channel or the mailing list. We want
+to be friendly, supportive, and have fun experimenting together.
+## How to report bugs in Debian
+[Overview of all bug reports concerning reproducible builds](https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?usertag=reproducible-builds@lists.alioth.debian.org)
+All bugs relevant to the reproducible builds project should use
+[usertags](https://bugs.debian.org/usertags) with user
+`reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org`. Also use `X-Debbugs-Cc` to
+notify the list, but please use our `reproducible-bugs at lists.alioth.debian.org`
+list for this header.
+To usertag a bug after it has been submitted use:
+    bts user reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org . usertag XXXXXX + timestamps toolchain
+### Usertags
+* **toolchain**: affects a tool used by other package build systems
+* **infrastructure**: affects the whole Debian infrastructure or policies
+* **timestamps**: time of build in recorded during the build process
+* **fileordering**: build output varies with readdir() order
+* **buildpath**: path of sources is recorded during the build process
+* **username**: username is recorded during the build process
+* **hostname**: hostname is recorded during the build process
+* **uname**: uname output is recorded during the build process
+* **environment**: environment variables are recorded during the build process
+* **randomness**: some build aspects are dependent on (pseudo-)randomness
+* **cpu**: some build aspects are dependent on CPU features or computation speed
+* **signatures**: uses a cryptographic signatures as part of the build process
+* **umask**: permissions depend on current umask
+* **buildinfo**: issues related to .buildinfo control files
+* **ftbfs**: fails to build from source
+* **locale**: varying locales lead to differing behavior (e.g. sorting)
+### Example email to submit a patch:
+From: J. Random Hacker <jrhacker at example.org>
+To: submit at bugs.debian.org
+Version: <VERSION>
+Severity: wishlist
+Tags: patch
+User: reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org
+Usertags: timestamps fileordering
+X-Debbugs-Cc: reproducible-bugs at lists.alioth.debian.org
+While working on the “reproducible builds” effort [1], we have noticed
+The attached patch removes extra timestamps from the build system and
+ensure a stable file order when creating the source archive. Once applied,
+it can be built reproducibly in our current experimental framework.
+ [1]: https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds
+## Inventorying issues
+The easiest way to find issues is to examine the list of
+[packages failing to build reproducibly](https://reproducible.debian.net/index_FTBR.html)
+as found by continuous integration. The first packages in the list are the one
+who have been tried most recently.
+Notes about packages are kept in the
+[notes](https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-notes). Git repository
+in `packages.yml`. The list of [known common issues](https://reproducible.debian.net/index_issues.html)
+is kept in the `issues.yml` file.
+The page for a given package should open on the
+[diffoscope](https://tracker.debian.org/diffoscope) output. Read the list of
+known issues to get an idea of what you may found. Here is some more advice:
+* When a binary has mismatching mtimes for files in `control.tar.gz`, it means
+  that they are [not adjusted before creating the binary package](https://reproducible.debian.net/issues/not_using_dh_builddeb_issue.html).
+* [Timestamps in gzip headers](https://reproducible.debian.net/issues/timestamps_in_gzip_headers_issue.html)
+  are a no-brainer.
+* When there's a mismatching `Build ID` in an executable, it means a variation
+  happens during the compilation. Investigation can be done using
+  [sources.debian.org](https://sources.debian.org/) (see link at the top).
+* First step should be a search for the [`__DATE__`, `__TIME__` or `__TIMESTAMP__`](https://reproducible.debian.net/issues/timestamps_from_cpp_macros_issue.html)
+  using [codesearch](https://codesearch.debian.net/).  Otherwise, try to locate
+  calls to `date` in `configure.ac`, `Makefile.am`, etc.
+The [clean-notes](https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-misc/blob/master/clean-notes)
+script in the `misc` repository will detect outdated notes and re-order
+packages by alphabetical order. It should be run before committing changes to
+the `notes` repository.
+## Fixing issues
+Fixing reproducibility issues falls into two categories: either the problem is
+specific to a single package or the cause is the output of another package
+(then referenced as "toolchain" package).
+### Fixing a single package
+The usual steps are:
+1. Use `debcheckout` or `apt-get source` to retrieve the source code.
+1. Do the changes. With packages using the `3.0 (quilt)` format,
+   `dpkg-source --commit` can be useful.
+1. Update `debian/changelog`. New version is usually original version with
+   `.0~reproducible1`.
+1. Use `dpkg-buildpackage -S` to create source package.
+1. Use [reprotest]({{ "/tools/" | relative_url }}) to test
+   reproducibility. If the package is not reproducible, examine the diffoscope
+   output `logs/PACKAGE.diffoscope.html` or compare build logs
+   `logs/PACKAGE.build1` and `logs/PACKAGE.build2`, then repeat from step 2
+   unless the issue comes from another package. In that case, see about
+   "toolchain" packages below.
+1. Use `debdiff` or `git format-patch` to create patches.
+1. [Create a new bug report](https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds/Contribute#How_to_report_bugs),
+   and don't forget to attach the patch!
+1. Add an entry or reference the bug in `packages.yml` in
+   [reproducible-notes](https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-notes).
+### Fixing a toolchain package
+Fixing an issue in a package that affects the reproducibility of other packages
+requires some more steps, but the general process is the same:
+1. Use `debcheckout` or `apt-get source` to retrieve the source code.
+1. Do the changes. With packages using the `3.0 (quilt)` format,
+   `dpkg-source --commit` can be useful.
+1. Update `debian/changelog`. New version is usually original
+   version with `.0~reproducible1`.
+1. Use `pdebuild` or `gbp buildpackage` to build the package.
+1. Backup `base-reproducible.tgz`.
+1. Use `pbuilder --login --save-after-exec --basetgz base-reproducible.tgz` to
+   install the newly built package.
+1. Test a package affected with `reprotest`. If the issue is still not fixed,
+   repeat from step 2.
+1. If the package is in Git, create a new repository on
+   [salsa.debian.org](https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/packages).
+   Push your changes to a (rebasable) `pu/reproducible_builds` branch.
+1. Subscribe to the `upload-source` notification for the package on the
+   [Package Tracking System](https://tracker.debian.org/). This is needed so
+   you don't forget to update the custom package when a new version hits the
+   archive.
+1. [Upload](https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds/ExperimentalToolchain#Adding_a_package_to_the_APT_archive)
+   the package to the reproducible APT repository.
+1. Document the changes on the
+   [wiki](https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds/ExperimentalToolchain#Modified_packages).
+1. Reference the bug in `issues.yml` in
+   [reproducible-notes](https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-notes)
+   and on the wiki page about the issue if there is one.
+1. Everybody with a [Debian SSO](https://sso.debian.org) client certificate
+   (both DDs and guests) can schedule source packages to be rebuilt by using
+   the authenticated endpoint at
+   <https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/cgi-bin/schedule>. There are handy
+   icons (`♻`)in every package page that links to that cgi-bin script with the
+   correct parameters.  If you don't have a valid client certificate or have
+   any other trouble you can find somebody in the #debian-reproducible IRC
+   channel to help you.  Also, if you need to mass schedule many packages (even
+   over the daily limit imposed by the public scheduling script described
+   here), you can find the jenkins administrators in that channel that can do
+   mass scheduling for you.
+1. If the changes don't break anything,
+   [create a new bug report](https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds/Contribute#How_to_report_bugs).
+   Don't forget to attach patches and to use the `toolchain` usertag.
+## Continuous integration platform
+Several jobs have been created to regularly test packages (from `main/sid`) on
+[jenkins.debian.net](https://jenkins.debian.net). As a result there is the
+[reproducible build overview of packages](https://reproducible.debian.net).
+The setup is explained [in this blog post](http://layer-acht.org/thinking/blog/20140925-reproducible-builds/)
+only, but this post is somewhat outdated by now and needs to be amended.
+See the various `reproducible_*` scripts in the
+[Jenkins Git repository](https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/tree/master/bin/)
+## Working on installation media or live systems
+Having installation and live systems which can be built reproducibly would also
+be great.
+In Debian, [#900918](https://bugs.debian.org/900918) is being used to track the
+progress of reproducible installation images. There is an
+Bash script that creates sha512 hashes of all files included within an image,
+access rights, symlinks, partition table, bootloader and more. Doing this with
+two images that should match and comparing the reports the script creates can
+help to identify sources of non-determinism in images. It does not have iso
+support yet. The author (Patrick Schleizer) is interested to generalize the
+script for more generic, Debian use cases
+## External links
+* [Reproducible installs](https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds/ReproducibleInstalls)
+* [Announcing Whonix's First Implementation of Verifiable Builds](https://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/reproducible-builds/Week-of-Mon-20131209/000009.html)
+* [Whonix Verifiable Builds](https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Verifiable_Builds)
+* [Tails reproducible builds blueprint](https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/reproducible_builds/)
+* [reproducible debootstrap](https://github.com/lamby/debootstrap/commits/pu/source-date-epoch)

@@ -30,281 +30,17 @@ to keep track of contributions.
 Reproducible Builds is distro agnostic but this page doesn't reflect this and unfortunatly it's not that easy to fix this. Please stand by and/or send patches, eventually to remove this disclaimer.
-## Task suggestions for Debian
+## Contribute to diffoscope, reprotest, disorderfs and strip-nondeterminism
-1. If you maintain a package for Debian, you can make sure that your package
-   uses a [modern debhelper style](https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debhelper/blob/master/dh)
-   (e.g. one-liner `debian/rules` with overrides as needed). We aim to fix many
-   causes of non-deterministic builds in the debhelper suite directly, so
-   packages that use debhelper will be much easier to make reproducible with
-   just an upgrade of the toolchain.
-1. [Inventory issues](#inventorying-issues) found by the continuous integration
-   platform.
+## Contribute to Reproducible Debian
-1. [Fix known reproducibility issues](#fixing-issues). See the
-   [inventory of identified issues](https://reproducible.debian.net/index_issues.html).
+[Suggestions how to contribute to Reproducible Debian](/contribute/debian/)
-1. Improve our common [tools]({{ "/tools/" | relative_url }}):
-   [diffoscope](https://tracker.debian.org/diffoscope),
-   [strip-nondeterminism](https://tracker.debian.org/strip-nondeterminism),
-   [disorderfs](https://tracker.debian.org/disorderfs).
+## Contribute to Reproducible Arch Linux
-1. Redesign [reproducible.debian.net](https://reproducible.debian.net/) status
-   pages using a CSS toolkit like Bootstrap.
-1. Enhance [dak](https://tracker.debian.org/dak)
-   [support for .buildinfo](https://bugs.debian.org/763822).
-1. Research how to run rebuilds on ''buildd''s.
-1. Research on how change dak to only accept packages after multiple matching
-   builds.
-1. Hack binNMU infrastructure (dak?) so `.dsc` for binNMUs are kept in the archive
-   instead of being thrown away.
-To get help, feel free to ask on the IRC channel or the mailing list. We want
-to be friendly, supportive, and have fun experimenting together.
-## How to report bugs in Debian
-[Overview of all bug reports concerning reproducible builds](https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?usertag=reproducible-builds@lists.alioth.debian.org)
-All bugs relevant to the reproducible builds project should use
-[usertags](https://bugs.debian.org/usertags) with user
-`reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org`. Also use `X-Debbugs-Cc` to
-notify the list, but please use our `reproducible-bugs at lists.alioth.debian.org`
-list for this header.
-To usertag a bug after it has been submitted use:
-    bts user reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org . usertag XXXXXX + timestamps toolchain
-### Usertags
-* **toolchain**: affects a tool used by other package build systems
-* **infrastructure**: affects the whole Debian infrastructure or policies
-* **timestamps**: time of build in recorded during the build process
-* **fileordering**: build output varies with readdir() order
-* **buildpath**: path of sources is recorded during the build process
-* **username**: username is recorded during the build process
-* **hostname**: hostname is recorded during the build process
-* **uname**: uname output is recorded during the build process
-* **environment**: environment variables are recorded during the build process
-* **randomness**: some build aspects are dependent on (pseudo-)randomness
-* **cpu**: some build aspects are dependent on CPU features or computation speed
-* **signatures**: uses a cryptographic signatures as part of the build process
-* **umask**: permissions depend on current umask
-* **buildinfo**: issues related to .buildinfo control files
-* **ftbfs**: fails to build from source
-* **locale**: varying locales lead to differing behavior (e.g. sorting)
-### Example email to submit a patch:
-From: J. Random Hacker <jrhacker at example.org>
-To: submit at bugs.debian.org
-Version: <VERSION>
-Severity: wishlist
-Tags: patch
-User: reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org
-Usertags: timestamps fileordering
-X-Debbugs-Cc: reproducible-bugs at lists.alioth.debian.org
-While working on the “reproducible builds” effort [1], we have noticed
-The attached patch removes extra timestamps from the build system and
-ensure a stable file order when creating the source archive. Once applied,
-it can be built reproducibly in our current experimental framework.
- [1]: https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds
-## Inventorying issues
-The easiest way to find issues is to examine the list of
-[packages failing to build reproducibly](https://reproducible.debian.net/index_FTBR.html)
-as found by continuous integration. The first packages in the list are the one
-who have been tried most recently.
-Notes about packages are kept in the
-[notes](https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-notes). Git repository
-in `packages.yml`. The list of [known common issues](https://reproducible.debian.net/index_issues.html)
-is kept in the `issues.yml` file.
-The page for a given package should open on the
-[diffoscope](https://tracker.debian.org/diffoscope) output. Read the list of
-known issues to get an idea of what you may found. Here is some more advice:
-* When a binary has mismatching mtimes for files in `control.tar.gz`, it means
-  that they are [not adjusted before creating the binary package](https://reproducible.debian.net/issues/not_using_dh_builddeb_issue.html).
-* [Timestamps in gzip headers](https://reproducible.debian.net/issues/timestamps_in_gzip_headers_issue.html)
-  are a no-brainer.
-* When there's a mismatching `Build ID` in an executable, it means a variation
-  happens during the compilation. Investigation can be done using
-  [sources.debian.org](https://sources.debian.org/) (see link at the top).
-* First step should be a search for the [`__DATE__`, `__TIME__` or `__TIMESTAMP__`](https://reproducible.debian.net/issues/timestamps_from_cpp_macros_issue.html)
-  using [codesearch](https://codesearch.debian.net/).  Otherwise, try to locate
-  calls to `date` in `configure.ac`, `Makefile.am`, etc.
-The [clean-notes](https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-misc/blob/master/clean-notes)
-script in the `misc` repository will detect outdated notes and re-order
-packages by alphabetical order. It should be run before committing changes to
-the `notes` repository.
-## Fixing issues
-Fixing reproducibility issues falls into two categories: either the problem is
-specific to a single package or the cause is the output of another package
-(then referenced as "toolchain" package).
-### Fixing a single package
-The usual steps are:
-1. Use `debcheckout` or `apt-get source` to retrieve the source code.
-1. Do the changes. With packages using the `3.0 (quilt)` format,
-   `dpkg-source --commit` can be useful.
-1. Update `debian/changelog`. New version is usually original version with
-   `.0~reproducible1`.
-1. Use `dpkg-buildpackage -S` to create source package.
-1. Use [reprotest]({{ "/tools/" | relative_url }}) to test
-   reproducibility. If the package is not reproducible, examine the diffoscope
-   output `logs/PACKAGE.diffoscope.html` or compare build logs
-   `logs/PACKAGE.build1` and `logs/PACKAGE.build2`, then repeat from step 2
-   unless the issue comes from another package. In that case, see about
-   "toolchain" packages below.
-1. Use `debdiff` or `git format-patch` to create patches.
-1. [Create a new bug report](https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds/Contribute#How_to_report_bugs),
-   and don't forget to attach the patch!
-1. Add an entry or reference the bug in `packages.yml` in
-   [reproducible-notes](https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-notes).
-### Fixing a toolchain package
-Fixing an issue in a package that affects the reproducibility of other packages
-requires some more steps, but the general process is the same:
-1. Use `debcheckout` or `apt-get source` to retrieve the source code.
-1. Do the changes. With packages using the `3.0 (quilt)` format,
-   `dpkg-source --commit` can be useful.
-1. Update `debian/changelog`. New version is usually original
-   version with `.0~reproducible1`.
-1. Use `pdebuild` or `gbp buildpackage` to build the package.
-1. Backup `base-reproducible.tgz`.
-1. Use `pbuilder --login --save-after-exec --basetgz base-reproducible.tgz` to
-   install the newly built package.
-1. Test a package affected with `reprotest`. If the issue is still not fixed,
-   repeat from step 2.
-1. If the package is in Git, create a new repository on
-   [salsa.debian.org](https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/packages).
-   Push your changes to a (rebasable) `pu/reproducible_builds` branch.
-1. Subscribe to the `upload-source` notification for the package on the
-   [Package Tracking System](https://tracker.debian.org/). This is needed so
-   you don't forget to update the custom package when a new version hits the
-   archive.
-1. [Upload](https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds/ExperimentalToolchain#Adding_a_package_to_the_APT_archive)
-   the package to the reproducible APT repository.
-1. Document the changes on the
-   [wiki](https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds/ExperimentalToolchain#Modified_packages).
-1. Reference the bug in `issues.yml` in
-   [reproducible-notes](https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-notes)
-   and on the wiki page about the issue if there is one.
-1. Everybody with a [Debian SSO](https://sso.debian.org) client certificate
-   (both DDs and guests) can schedule source packages to be rebuilt by using
-   the authenticated endpoint at
-   <https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/cgi-bin/schedule>. There are handy
-   icons (`♻`)in every package page that links to that cgi-bin script with the
-   correct parameters.  If you don't have a valid client certificate or have
-   any other trouble you can find somebody in the #debian-reproducible IRC
-   channel to help you.  Also, if you need to mass schedule many packages (even
-   over the daily limit imposed by the public scheduling script described
-   here), you can find the jenkins administrators in that channel that can do
-   mass scheduling for you.
-1. If the changes don't break anything,
-   [create a new bug report](https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds/Contribute#How_to_report_bugs).
-   Don't forget to attach patches and to use the `toolchain` usertag.
-## Continuous integration platform
-Several jobs have been created to regularly test packages (from `main/sid`) on
-[jenkins.debian.net](https://jenkins.debian.net). As a result there is the
-[reproducible build overview of packages](https://reproducible.debian.net).
-The setup is explained [in this blog post](http://layer-acht.org/thinking/blog/20140925-reproducible-builds/)
-only, but this post is somewhat outdated by now and needs to be amended.
-See the various `reproducible_*` scripts in the
-[Jenkins Git repository](https://salsa.debian.org/qa/jenkins.debian.net/tree/master/bin/)
-## Working on installation media or live systems
-Having installation and live systems which can be built reproducibly would also
-be great.
-In Debian, [#900918](https://bugs.debian.org/900918) is being used to track the
-progress of reproducible installation images. There is an
-Bash script that creates sha512 hashes of all files included within an image,
-access rights, symlinks, partition table, bootloader and more. Doing this with
-two images that should match and comparing the reports the script creates can
-help to identify sources of non-determinism in images. It does not have iso
-support yet. The author (Patrick Schleizer) is interested to generalize the
-script for more generic, Debian use cases
-## External links
-* [Reproducible installs](https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds/ReproducibleInstalls)
-* [Announcing Whonix's First Implementation of Verifiable Builds](https://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/reproducible-builds/Week-of-Mon-20131209/000009.html)
-* [Whonix Verifiable Builds](https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Verifiable_Builds)
-* [Tails reproducible builds blueprint](https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/reproducible_builds/)
-* [reproducible debootstrap](https://github.com/lamby/debootstrap/commits/pu/source-date-epoch)
 ## Donate

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-website/-/commit/5f133c1952ae4acd6a112be62f0bae6ba38ec5a1

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-website/-/commit/5f133c1952ae4acd6a112be62f0bae6ba38ec5a1
You're receiving this email because of your account on salsa.debian.org.

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