[Git][reproducible-builds/reproducible-website][master] 2021-03: fix typos
John Scott
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Apr 7 14:28:26 UTC 2021
John Scott pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / reproducible-website
82f54676 by John Scott at 2021-04-07T10:28:03-04:00
2021-03: fix typos
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1 changed file:
- _reports/2021-03.md
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ This month, Alexander "*lynxis*" Couzens worked on improving support for Coreboo
When building Debian packages, `dpkg` currently passes options to the underlying build system to strip out the build path from generated binaries. However, many binaries still end up including the build path because they embed the entire compiler command-line which includes, ironically, the very flags that specify the build path to facilitate stripping it out. Vagrant Cascadian therefore [filed a bug against the Debian `dpkg` package](https://bugs.debian.org/985553) to use [GCC](https://gcc.gnu.org/)'s `.spec` files to specify the `fixfilepath` and `fixdebugpath` options. This supplies the build path to GCC via the `DEB_BUILD_PATH` environment variable, thus avoid passing the path on the command-line itself. Related to this, it was noticed that [Debian unstable reached 85% reproducibility](https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/unstable/index_suite_amd64_stats.html) for the first time since enabling variations in the build path.
-Frédéric Pierret has been working on a partial copy of the [`snapshot.debian.org`](https://snapshot.debian.org/) "wayback machine" service limited solely to the packages needed to rebuild Debian *bullseye* on the `amd64` architecture. This is to workaround the bandwidth and other perceived limitations of `snapshot.debian.org`. Whilst the mirror itself is reachable at [`debian.notset.fr`](https://debian.notset.fr/snapshot/), the software for creating that partial mirror [is available in Frédéric's Git repository](https://github.com/fepitre/snapshot-mirror). Currently, Frédéric's service has mirrored 4 months in 2 weeks, but needs approximately 3-5 years of content in order to fully rebuild *bullseye*. To that end, [a request was made to the Debian system administrators](https://rt.debian.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=8547)) to obtain better access to `snapshot.debian.org` for this mirror in order to accelerate the initial seeding.
+Frédéric Pierret has been working on a partial copy of the [`snapshot.debian.org`](https://snapshot.debian.org/) "wayback machine" service limited solely to the packages needed to rebuild Debian *bullseye* on the `amd64` architecture. This is to workaround the bandwidth and other perceived limitations of `snapshot.debian.org`. Whilst the mirror itself is reachable at [`debian.notset.fr`](https://debian.notset.fr/snapshot/), the software for creating that partial mirror [is available in Frédéric's Git repository](https://github.com/fepitre/snapshot-mirror). Currently, Frédéric's service has mirrored 4 months in 2 weeks, but needs approximately 3-5 years of content in order to fully rebuild *bullseye*. To that end, [a request was made to the Debian system administrators](https://rt.debian.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=8547) to obtain better access to `snapshot.debian.org` for this mirror in order to accelerate the initial seeding.
53 reviews of Debian packages were added, 25 were updated and 22 were removed this month adding to our [extensive knowledge of identified issues](https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/index_issues.html).
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Bernhard M. Wiedemann posted his [monthly reproducible builds status report](htt
-[*diffoscope*](https://diffoscope.org) is the Reproducible Build's project in-depth and content-aware diff utility. Not only can it locate and diagnose reproducibility issues, it provides human-readable diffs from many kinds of binary format. This month, [Chris Lamb](https://chris-lamb.co.uk) made a large number of changes (including releasing [version 169](https://diffoscope.org/news/diffoscope-169-released/) [version 170](https://diffoscope.org/news/diffoscope-170-released/) and [version 171](https://diffoscope.org/news/diffoscope-171-released/):
+[*diffoscope*](https://diffoscope.org) is the Reproducible Build's project in-depth and content-aware diff utility. Not only can it locate and diagnose reproducibility issues, it provides human-readable diffs from many kinds of binary formats. This month, [Chris Lamb](https://chris-lamb.co.uk) made a large number of changes (including releasing [version 169](https://diffoscope.org/news/diffoscope-169-released/) [version 170](https://diffoscope.org/news/diffoscope-170-released/) and [version 171](https://diffoscope.org/news/diffoscope-171-released/):
* New features:
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-website/-/commit/82f54676756ea378a17455f1338c166b362512d6
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-website/-/commit/82f54676756ea378a17455f1338c166b362512d6
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