[Git][reproducible-builds/reproducible-presentations][master] dc20 bullseye talk: restructure

Holger Levsen gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Aug 27 15:15:51 UTC 2020

Holger Levsen pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / reproducible-presentations

0f588f48 by Holger Levsen at 2020-08-27T17:15:38+02:00
dc20 bullseye talk: restructure

Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- 2020-08-27-Reproducing-bullseye-in-practice/index.html
- 2020-08-27-Reproducing-bullseye-in-practice/todo


@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
       <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
         <p>I'll mostly ignore <em>why</em> and <em>how to do such builds</em> now.</p>
         <p class="fragment">Instead I will focus on <em>how to distribute and verify</em>.</p>
+        <p class="fragment">(Sadly this talk is not team prepared and thus misses the updates since last DebConf section and more.)</p>
       <section data-background-color="white">
@@ -203,17 +204,19 @@
       <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
         <h3><em>My goals / wishes for today</em></h3>
+        To share and widen understanding of the status of reproducible bullseye:
-          <li class="fragment">share and widen understanding of the status of reproducible bullseye</li>
-          <li class="fragment">(how) can we have buildinfos.debian.<em>org</em> please?</li>
           <li class="fragment">less than 4000 NMUs for <em>arch:all</em> packages, shall we?</li>
-          <li class="fragment">get people onboard to fix and improve <em>debrebuild</em> (or rewrite even maybe?)</li>
+          <li class="fragment">CI versus rebuilds</li>
+          <li class="fragment">issues with buildinfos.debian.<em>net/org</em></li>
+          <li class="fragment">fix and improve <em>debrebuild</em> (from src:devscripts)</li>
+          <li class="fragment">other issues</li>
           <li class="fragment">using reproducible builds and user interfaces are not even on my radar (anymore), but we will need those too.</li>
       <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
-        <h3><em>My frustration</em></h3>
+        <h3><em>Though first, my frustration</em></h3>
         <p class="fragment">I feel I have given warnings that the next Debian release will not be reproducible
 		for years.</p>
         <p class="fragment">And here we go again: bullseye will not be reproducible in practice.</p>
@@ -253,15 +256,26 @@
       <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
         <h3><em>My goals / wishes for today</em></h3>
+        To share and widen understanding of the status of reproducible bullseye:
-          <li>share and widen understanding of the status of reproducible bullseye</li>
-          <li>(how) can we have buildinfos.debian.<em>org</em> please?</li>
-          <li>less than 4000 NMUs for <em>arch:all</em> packages, shall we?</li>
-          <li>get people onboard to fix and improve <em>debrebuild</em> (or rewrite even maybe?)</li>
-          <li>using reproducible builds and user interfaces are not even on my radar (anymore), but we will need those too.</li>
+          <li class="fragment">less than 4000 NMUs for <em>arch:all</em> packages, shall we?</li>
+          <li class="fragment">CI versus rebuilds</li>
+          <li class="fragment">issues with buildinfos.debian.<em>net/org</em></li>
+          <li class="fragment">fix and improve <em>debrebuild</em> (from src:devscripts)</li>
+          <li class="fragment">other issues</li>
+          <li class="fragment">using reproducible builds and user interfaces are not even on my radar (anymore), but we will need those too.</li>
+      <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
+        <h3>share and widen understanding of the status of reproducible bullseye</h3>
+        <p><em>4000 NMUs for <em>arch:all</em> packages, shall we?</em></p>
+       	<ul>
+   	  <li class="fragment">binNMUs for arch:all not possible</li>
+          <li class="fragment">#900837<br>release.debian.org: Mass-rebuild of packages for reproducible builds"</li>
+	<ul>
+     </section>
       <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
         <h3>share and widen understanding of the status of reproducible bullseye</h3>
         <p><em>CI versus rebuilds</em></p>
@@ -275,6 +289,16 @@
+      <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
+        <h3>CI versus rebuilds:</h3>
+	<ul>
+        <li>We have no <strong>Debian</strong> infrastructure rebuilding Debian packages.</li>
+        <li class="fragment">The reproducible-builds.org rebuilders are builders, not rebuilders.</li>
+        <li class="fragment">There's a NYU driven a proof of concept.</li>
+	<li class="fragment">We would like to integrate with Debian's official buildd network?!</li>
+	</ul>
+      </section>
         <h3>The difference between theory and practice</h3>
         <p>93% is a lie.</p>
@@ -285,17 +309,16 @@
       <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
-        <h3>Major blockers, where to help</h3>
-        <p>#869184<br>sbuild, dput, dpkg: source uploads including <code>_amd64.buildinfo</code> causes problems</p>
-        <p class="fragment">#894441<br>binNMUs, mtimes and <code>rsync(1)</code> causes problems and binNMUs should be replaced by easy "no-change-except-debian/changelog-uploads"</p>
-        <p class="fragment">blocker for #900837<br>release.debian.org: Mass-rebuild of packages for reproducible builds"</p>
-      </section>
+        <h3>share and widen understanding of the status of reproducible bullseye</h3>
+        <p><em>issues with buildinfos.debian.</em>net/org</p>
+     </section>
       <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
         <h3><code>.buildinfo</code> files</h3>
         <p>#862073<br>ftp.debian.org: Please POST .buildinfo files to buildinfo.debian.net</p>
         <p class="fragment">#763822<br>ftp.debian.org: please include .buildinfo file in the archive</p>
         <p class="fragment">#862538<br>security.debian.org: Please POST .buildinfo files to buildinfo.debian.net</p>
+	<p class="fragment">#929397: ftp.d.o: please upload LTS .buildinfo files to ftp-master</p>
       <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
@@ -323,30 +346,55 @@
+      <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
+        <h3>share and widen understanding of the status of reproducible bullseye</h3>
+        <p><em>fix and improve </em>debrebuild<em>(from src:devscripts)</em></p>
+     </section>
+      <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
+        <h3><em>normal</em>normal bugs against debrebuild</h3>
+         <p class="fragment">#955049 debrebuild: no manpage and no --help option</p>
+         <p class="fragment">#955050 debrebuild: please accepted signed .buildinfo files</p>
+         <p class="fragment">#955307 debrebuild: should avoid downgrades</p>
+         <p class="fragment">#961862 debrebuild: should assemble the source for binNMUs</p>
+         <p class="fragment">#961864 debrebuild: creates wrong commandline for binNMUs</p>
+     </section>
+      <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
+        <h3><em>wishlist</em>normal bugs against debrebuild</h3>
+         <p class="fragment">#955123 debrebuild: please provide --sbuild-output-only option</p>
+         <p class="fragment">#955304 debrebuild: suggested sbuild command should use --no-run-lintian</p>
+         <p class="fragment">#955308 debrebuild: also explain *how* to use snapshot.d.o</p>
+         <p class="fragment">#958750 debrebuild: please add --standalone mode or --one-shot-mode</p>
+         <p class="fragment">#961861 debrebuild: should (optionally) download the source too</p>
+         <p class="fragment">#964722 debrebuild: please add option for rebuilding in the same path</p>
+     </section>
       <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
-        <h3>Proper rebuilds for bullseye</h3>
-	<ul>
-        <li>We have no <strong>Debian</strong> infrastructure rebuilding Debian packages.</li>
-        <li class="fragment">The reproducible-builds.org rebuilders are builders, not rebuilders.</li>
-        <li class="fragment">There's a NYU driven a proof of concept.</li>
-	<li class="fragment">We would like to integrate with Debian's official buildd network?!</li>
-	</ul>
+        <h3>share and widen understanding of the status of reproducible bullseye</h3>
+        <p><em>other issues</em></p>
+     </section>
+      <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
+        <h3>Misc other issues</h3>
+        <p class="fragment">#869184<br>sbuild, dput, dpkg: source uploads including <code>_amd64.buildinfo</code> causes problems</p>
+        <p class="fragment">#894441<br>binNMUs, mtimes and <code>rsync(1)</code> causes problems and binNMUs should be replaced by easy "no-change-except-debian/changelog-uploads"</p>
+	<p class="fragment">#969084: buildd.d.o: please don't use a tainted buildenv</p>
+    	<p class="fragment">#863622: apt: warn when installing packages that are not reproducible</p>
       <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="12%" data-background-position="90% 10%">
-        <h3><em>Ride like the wind, bullseye</em></h3>
+        <h3><em>other issues, release team related</em></h3>
         <p>We are very happy that testing migration is blocked for binary uploads</p>
         <p class="fragment">We very much like the idea of accellerating migration for reproducibility. You?</p>
-        <p class="fragment">Debian policy: probably too early for "must", but maybe time for "must not regress"?</p>
+        <p class="fragment">Debian policy: probably too early for "must", but maybe time for "must not regress"? (This needs rebuilders first.)</p>
       <section data-background="images/dc20-logo-horizontal-diversity.png" data-background-size="17%" data-background-position="50% 15%">
-        <br>
-        <br>
@@ -355,7 +403,8 @@
         <p class="fragment">Do you think reproducible builds should happen?</p>
 	<p class="fragment">If so, please pick <em>one</em> of these bugs and help fixing it.<br />We need your help.</p>
-        <br>
+       	<p class="fragment">https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds</p>
+ <br>
           <small>Holger Levsen <holger at debian.org><br>
 		B8BF 5413 7B09 D35C F026  FE9D 091A B856 069A AA1C</small>

@@ -1,43 +1,14 @@
 bugs to be filed:
 	2 more devscripts bugs
-devscripts debrebuild normal bugs:
-#955049 debrebuild: no manpage and no --help option
-#955050 debrebuild: please accepted signed .buildinfo files
-#955307 debrebuild: should avoid downgrades
-#961862 debrebuild: should assemble the source for binNMUs
-#961864 debrebuild: creates wrong commandline for binNMUs
-#955123 debrebuild: please provide --sbuild-output-only option
-#955304 debrebuild: suggested sbuild command should use --no-run-lintian
-#955308 debrebuild: also explain *how* to use snapshot.d.o
-#958750 debrebuild: please add --standalone mode or --one-shot-mode
-#961861 debrebuild: should (optionally) download the source too
-#964722 debrebuild: please add option for rebuilding in the same path
-#964733 [w|P|  ] [devscripts] debrebuild: parsable output
 	rebuildctl -H https://reproducible.archlinux.org pkgs ls --name evince --json
 	src log
 	reintroduction of irc meetings / dudle poll
-missing from talk (but probably ok)
-#969084: buildd.d.o: please don't use a tainted buildenv
-#863622: apt: warn when installing packages that are not reproducible
-#802241: dpkg: please store the hash of the installed .deb and allow to query it
-#876055: discuss which environment variables we should blacklist or whitelist, 876055. 
-#929397: ftp.d.o: please upload LTS .buildinfo files to ftp-master (this is not relevant yet, as Jessie is the LTS release, while only dpkg from Stretch and newer produces .buildinfo files.) 

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-presentations/-/commit/0f588f483a933fab7f6a3ef1a6a22c5f10dffee4

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-presentations/-/commit/0f588f483a933fab7f6a3ef1a6a22c5f10dffee4
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