[Git][reproducible-builds/reproducible-website][master] 2 commits: Convert page to markdown format.
Chris Lamb
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Dec 15 10:42:29 CET 2018
Chris Lamb pushed to branch master at Reproducible Builds / reproducible-website
ff67d921 by Chris Lamb at 2018-12-15T09:17:45Z
Convert page to markdown format.
- - - - -
00369e5f by Chris Lamb at 2018-12-15T09:41:20Z
Start to merge in new style guide and add an example WIP typography page.
This will need some tweaks to ensure that we generate markdown HTML
suitable for Twitter Bootstrap, etc. (or CSS changes).
- - - - -
30 changed files:
- _config.yml
- + _includes/new/components/alerts.html
- + _includes/new/components/badges.html
- + _includes/new/components/buttons.html
- + _includes/new/components/cards.html
- + _includes/new/components/forms.html
- + _includes/new/components/paginate.html
- + _includes/new/components/tables.html
- + _includes/new/head.html
- + _includes/new/navbar.html
- + _includes/new/navbar_side.html
- + _includes/new/scripts.html
- + _includes/new/scrollspy.html
- + _includes/new/sidebar.html
- + _includes/new/visuals/assets.html
- + _includes/new/visuals/colors.html
- + _includes/new/visuals/grid.html
- + _includes/new/visuals/icons.html
- + _includes/new/visuals/typography.html
- + _layouts/new/components.html
- + _layouts/new/default.html
- + _layouts/new/getting-started.html
- + _layouts/new/home.html
- + _layouts/new/markdown.html
- + _layouts/new/visuals.html
- + assets/fonts/OFL.txt
- + assets/fonts/Overpass-Black.ttf
- + assets/fonts/Overpass-BlackItalic.ttf
- + assets/fonts/Overpass-Bold.ttf
- + assets/fonts/Overpass-BoldItalic.ttf
The diff was not included because it is too large.
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-website/compare/5afe48970d7435926e44565c26622ab65a24ce3a...00369e5fef1d6e887a251a5fc54fc961bd69f848
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-website/compare/5afe48970d7435926e44565c26622ab65a24ce3a...00369e5fef1d6e887a251a5fc54fc961bd69f848
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