[blog] 01/01: Drop reproducibing-r-packages - migrated to the website.
Chris Lamb
chris at chris-lamb.co.uk
Sun Apr 22 12:14:41 CEST 2018
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commit d987d94b95aba071f7a6d438923dc4699cf03450
Author: Chris Lamb <lamby at debian.org>
Date: Sun Apr 22 12:11:40 2018 +0200
Drop reproducibing-r-packages - migrated to the website.
posts/reproducing-r-packages.mdwn | 510 --------------------------------------
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diff --git a/posts/reproducing-r-packages.mdwn b/posts/reproducing-r-packages.mdwn
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index 734b8c0..0000000
--- a/posts/reproducing-r-packages.mdwn
+++ /dev/null
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-[[!meta title="Reproducing R packages"]]
-[[!meta date="Wed May 03 12:37:58 2017 +0000"]]
-[[!tag reproducible_builds Debian debugging diffoscope installation patches R]]
-In the past couple of weeks, Ximin Luo worked on making R generate reproducible
-output. This is now mostly complete, and we're waiting on feedback from
-upstream about our patch. In the meantime, there are a few packages that remain
-unreproducible, but the issue probably lies in those specific packages rather
-than the R toolchain. Perhaps you can help out with them, after reading this!
-R packages compile into a `.rdb` database format that contains the package's
-definitions, plus a `.rdx` index file for easy lookup in the `.rdb` file.
-Usually, there is a main rdb with the package contents, plus another rdb that
-stores the help data. There is also a `paths.rds` (same format as `.rdx`) that
-contains some more stuff.
-One can actually read these files by hand using `Rscript`, see the diffoscope
-code in
-If you run that, you can see that `path.rds` contains some obvious paths, but
-the other files contain less obvious stuff, and in fact these scripts give
-identical output for the `.rdb` files, even though they are bitwise different.
-To get to the bottom of this, we'll have to use the R debugger.
-Attached to this post is [a script](/blog/data/r-mini-repro-test.sh) that
-smooths this process. I ran this against Debian's R packages, but it probably
-also works with other distros' R packages - try it and see.
-You run it like `./r-mini-repro-test.sh $pkgdir $builddir` and it will output
-some hashes for you; make sure to install the build dependencies first. You
-should manually vary both `$pkgdir` and `$builddir` to introduce the build-path
-variations; `$builddir` can be an arbitrary string but `$pkgdir` should point
-to the actual R package's source directory, so I just copy that to two
-locations and point the script at each of them in turn.
-Now, we can begin debugging. Before I did this, we had 478 unreproducible R
-packages so the biggest problem was likely with R itself. I downloaded the
-source code of both R and a small example package ([[!pkg r-cran-tensor]]), then figured
-out how the R packages were actually being built. This resulted in me writing
-the script above, to speed up debugging. You can read about R's debugger [here
-(no HTTPS)](http://www.stats.uwo.ca/faculty/murdoch/software/debuggingR/), it's
-a bit primitive but it supports the basic stuff (step, continue, where,
-print/eval) and that was adequate for me.
-Debugging R core
-So let's take a small example with Debian R 3.4.0-1:
- $ ../r-mini-repro-test.sh r-cran-tensor-1.5 123
- [..]
- * installing *source* package ‘tensor’ ...
- ** package ‘tensor’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
- ** R
- ** preparing package for lazy loading
- ** help
- *** installing help indices
- ** building package indices
- ** testing if installed package can be loaded
- * DONE (tensor)
- [..]
- c71a766429151a13e46039f3c37a14edc704004f410c34f8f37a2f098506421d ./debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/R/tensor.rdx
- 736b5b4a885db71fb3fe2a538faeefe43c500c4080dbf2c75b97135b98401acd ./debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/R/tensor.rdb
- 8a3f9616de7ee78a83b07395dd6ec43c5259d3f1b1b653d397808fc9fc5d96c2 ./debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/help/tensor.rdx
- d1ac634987b24606a5da627ec073f45edce2bddf071391dd17c246a0a01eba63 ./debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/help/tensor.rdb
- 80796cc1a2cfcac40c394153f67617d575e103a405430b8483c2261a903db046 ./debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/help/paths.rds
- $ ../r-mini-repro-test.sh r-cran-tensor-1.5 1234
- [..]
- 5f081f4d6f9da1fbe06e374067e6636d926de4cdf09886058b15c5928c636c0d ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/R/tensor.rdx
- 7145669891e1b766ca0d8d89fa9c317af716e61a62650abe3a11a848240f1d57 ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/R/tensor.rdb
- 8a3f9616de7ee78a83b07395dd6ec43c5259d3f1b1b653d397808fc9fc5d96c2 ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/help/tensor.rdx
- d1ac634987b24606a5da627ec073f45edce2bddf071391dd17c246a0a01eba63 ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/help/tensor.rdb
- 80796cc1a2cfcac40c394153f67617d575e103a405430b8483c2261a903db046 ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/help/paths.rds
-The files are created by the `** preparing package for lazy loading` and `**
-help` steps. In retrospect this seems somewhat obvious from the output, but I
-had never done R before so I spent a while using `strace` to be sure; one can
-see that those files are indeed written to after those strings are printed.
-Then we can grep the R source code for these strings.
- r-base-3.4.0$ grep -Ri "preparing package for lazy loading" src
- src/library/tools/R/install.R: starsmsg(stars, "preparing package for lazy loading")
-Reading the file, we see that this happens in the `tools:::.install_packages`
-function, and reading it further we see that it calls `makeLazyLoading` then
-`code2LazyLoadDB` then `makeLazyLoadDB`. Seems promising, let's confirm it
-before chasing potential wild geese.
-**Important**: In the rest of these command-line outputs I'll prepend what I
-input with `>>>` but this doesn't actually get printed by `Rscript`. So don't
-be surprised that you don't see these, when you're trying to recreate my steps.
-Also I am a total R noob so possibly there are more elegant ways to do what I'm
-about to show you; this is what I came up with after 2-3 hours of research.
- $ DEBUG=1 ../r-mini-repro-test.sh r-cran-tensor-1.5 123
- enter (some or all of) the following into R:
- [.. helpful commands ..]
- + R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES= LC_COLLATE=C /usr/lib/R/bin/R --no-restore --slave --args nextArg-lnextArgdebian/123/usr/lib/R/site-librarynextArg-dnextArg.nextArg--built-timestamp="Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000"
- >>> debug(tools:::makeLazyLoadDB)
- >>> tools:::.install_packages()
- processing ‘.’
- [..]
- ** preparing package for lazy loading
- debugging in: makeLazyLoadDB(ns, dbbase, compress = compress)
- debug: {
- [.. source code of makeLazyLoadDB, not yet run ..]
- }
-OK so we just entered the function and it's paused, in a separate shell let's check what it's doing:
- $ find r-cran-tensor-1.5 -name '*.rdb'
- [ no output ]
-So, no files have been written yet, which means none of the parent functions
-did anything, we are in the right function (or it's in a child). If we continue
-the function, we get:
- >>> c
- exiting from: makeLazyLoadDB(ns, dbbase, compress = compress)
- ** help
- debugging in: makeLazyLoadDB(db, file.path(manOutDir, basename(outDir)))
- debug: {
- [.. source code of makeLazyLoadDB, not yet run ..]
- }
- $ find r-cran-tensor-1.5 -name '*.rdb'
- r-cran-tensor-1.5/debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/R/tensor.rdb
-Then continuing again:
- >>> c
- exiting from: makeLazyLoadDB(db, file.path(manOutDir, basename(outDir)))
- *** installing help indices
- ** building package indices
- ** testing if installed package can be loaded
- * DONE (tensor)
- $ find r-cran-tensor-1.5 -name '*.rdb'
- r-cran-tensor-1.5/debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/help/tensor.rdb
- r-cran-tensor-1.5/debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/R/tensor.rdb
-So it seems likely this function is the correct one. After reading the source
-code of `makeLazyLoadDB`, even though I don't understand the whole thing, it
-looks like possibly this part is the one that does the actual writing:
- for (i in seq_along(vars)) {
- key <- if (is.null(from) || is.environment(from))
- lazyLoadDBinsertVariable(vars[i], from, datafile,
- ascii, compress, envhook)
- else lazyLoadDBinsertListElement(from, i, datafile, ascii,
- compress, envhook)
- assign(vars[i], key, envir = varenv)
- }
-So let's step through it and see if the data contains any paths.
- $ DEBUG=1 ../r-mini-repro-test.sh r-cran-tensor-1.5 123
- [..]
- >>> debug(tools:::makeLazyLoadDB)
- >>> tools:::.install_packages()
- processing ‘.’
- [..]
- ** preparing package for lazy loading
- debugging in: makeLazyLoadDB(ns, dbbase, compress = compress)
- debug: {
- [.. source code of makeLazyLoadDB, not yet run ..]
- }
- >>> # pressing <Enter> just means "step"
- debug: ascii <- as.logical(ascii) # this is the first line of the function
- >>> # keep stepping
- [..]
- >>>
- debug: for (i in seq_along(vars)) {
- [.. source code of the inside of the block, not yet run ..]
- }
- >>>
- debug: key <- if (is.null(from) || is.environment(from)) lazyLoadDBinsertVariable(vars[i],
- from, datafile, ascii, compress, envhook) else lazyLoadDBinsertListElement(from,
- i, datafile, ascii, compress, envhook)
- >>>
- debug: lazyLoadDBinsertVariable(vars[i], from, datafile, ascii, compress,
- envhook) # not yet run
-If we look at the source code we see that it will try to insert the value of
-`.Internal(getVarsFromFrame(vars[i], from, FALSE))\[[1L]]` into the file, so let's evaluate it:
- >>> .Internal(getVarsFromFrame(vars[i], from, FALSE))\[[1L]]
- function (x, y)
- tensor(x, y, 2, 2)
- <environment: namespace:tensor>
- >>> typeof(.Internal(getVarsFromFrame(vars[i], from, FALSE))\[[1L]])
- [1] "closure"
- >>> environment(.Internal(getVarsFromFrame(vars[i], from, FALSE))\[[1L]]) # get the environment of a closure
- <environment: namespace:tensor>
- >>> envlist(environment(.Internal(getVarsFromFrame(vars[i], from, FALSE))\[[1L]])) # environment as an envlist, more detailed output
- $`%*t%`
- function (x, y)
- tensor(x, y, 2, 2)
- <environment: namespace:tensor>
- $`%t*%`
- function (x, y)
- tensor(x, y, 1, 1)
- <environment: namespace:tensor>
- $`%t*t%`
- function (x, y)
- tensor(x, y, 1, 2)
- <environment: namespace:tensor>
- $.__NAMESPACE__.
- <environment: 0x55eb55d00be0>
- $.__S3MethodsTable__.
- <environment: 0x55eb55d166e8>
- $.packageName
- [1] "tensor"
- $tensor
- function (A, B, alongA = integer(0), alongB = integer(0))
- {
- [.. function definition ..]
- }
- <environment: namespace:tensor>
-Nothing obviously containing paths so far, let's keep stepping and dumping the objects
- >>>
- debug: assign(vars[i], key, envir = varenv)
- >>> # next iteration now
- debug: key <- if (is.null(from) || is.environment(from)) lazyLoadDBinsertVariable(vars[i],
- from, datafile, ascii, compress, envhook) else lazyLoadDBinsertListElement(from,
- i, datafile, ascii, compress, envhook)
- >>>
- debug: lazyLoadDBinsertVariable(vars[i], from, datafile, ascii, compress,
- envhook)
- >>> .Internal(getVarsFromFrame(vars[i], from, FALSE))\[[1L]]
- function (x, y)
- tensor(x, y, 1, 1)
- <environment: namespace:tensor>
- >>>
- [.. more stepping ..]
- debug: lazyLoadDBinsertVariable(vars[i], from, datafile, ascii, compress,
- envhook)
- >>> .Internal(getVarsFromFrame(vars[i], from, FALSE))\[[1L]]
- <environment: 0x55eb55d00be0>
- >>> envlist(.Internal(getVarsFromFrame(vars[i], from, FALSE))\[[1L]])
- $S3methods
- [,1] [,2] [,3]
- $dynlibs
- $exports
- <environment: 0x55eb55d0a4f8>
- $imports
- $imports$base
- [1] TRUE
- $lazydata
- <environment: 0x55eb55d0a178>
- attr(,"name")
- [1] "lazydata:tensor"
- $path
- [1] "/mystupidbuildpath/r-tests/r-cran-tensor-1.5/debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor"
- $spec
- name version
- "tensor" "1.5"
-Oh, here we go. (In fact we could have got this earlier, it was part of the
-`.__NAMESPACE__.` key of the first environment that we examined.) Naturally,
-you'll sometimes miss stuff, and sometimes go down dead ends when doing
-something like this, perseverance is important.
-The names are also a hint, after grepping the R source code for names like
-"S3methods" and "lazydata" we see that `src/library/base/R/namespace.R` is the
-only one that contains all of them, then reading that code in more depth
-reveals [this](https://sources.debian.net/src/r-base/3.4.0-1/src/library/base/R/namespace.R/#L252).
-After patching it, rebuilding r-base, installing this patched version, then
-running our tests again, we see that we've eliminated differences in the main
-rdb file but not the help rdb file. :(
-In fact, after some more time stepping through the loop repeatedly and printing
-out all the objects, nothing obvious shows up. Time to re-read the source code
-of `makeLazyLoadDB`. We notice that all the `lazyLoadDBinsert*` functions have
-a `hook` parameter that we haven't been stepping through because it's in a
-separate function. So let's do that. Since it's an inner function, one has to
-call `debug()` inside `makeLazyLoadDB`:
- $ DEBUG=1 ../r-mini-repro-test.sh r-cran-tensor-1.5 123
- [..]
- >>> debug(tools:::makeLazyLoadDB)
- >>> tools:::.install_packages()
- processing ‘.’
- [..]
- ** preparing package for lazy loading
- debugging in: makeLazyLoadDB(ns, dbbase, compress = compress)
- debug: {
- [.. source code of makeLazyLoadDB, not yet run ..]
- }
- >>> c
- exiting from: makeLazyLoadDB(ns, dbbase, compress = compress)
- ** help
- debugging in: makeLazyLoadDB(db, file.path(manOutDir, basename(outDir)))
- debug: {
- [.. source code of makeLazyLoadDB, not yet run ..]
- }
- [.. stepping through the function ..]
- debug: envhook <- function(e) {
- [.. function definition ..]
- }
- >>> # step next, to define that function
- [.. next statement, we don't care about it ..]
- >>> debug(envhook)
- [.. then keep stepping through makeLazyLoadDB ..]
- >>>
- debug: lazyLoadDBinsertVariable(vars[i], from, datafile, ascii, compress,
- envhook)
- [.. then keep stepping through makeLazyLoadDB ..]
- debug: lazyLoadDBinsertVariable(vars[i], from, datafile, ascii, compress,
- envhook)
- [.. hook wasn't run for these previous iterations for some reason, but keep stepping ..]
- [.. eventually we get ..]
- debugging in: (function (e)
- {
- [.. function definition ..]
- })(<environment>) # "(..)(<environment>)" is R's name for that function (actually a closure)
- debug: {
- [.. source code, not yet run ..]
- }
- >>> e
- /mystupidbuildpath/r-tests/r-cran-tensor-1.5/man/tensor.Rd
- >>> typeof(e)
- [1] "environment"
- >>> envlist(e)
- $Enc
- [1] "UTF-8"
- $encoding
- [1] ""
- $filename
- [1] "/mystupidbuildpath/r-tests/r-cran-tensor-1.5/man/tensor.Rd"
- $timestamp
- [1] "2002-01-16 11:51:14 CET"
- $wd
- [1] "/mystupidbuildpath/r-tests/r-cran-tensor-1.5"
-After doing the same thing as before, i.e. grepping the R source code for "Enc"
-"timestamp" etc, we spot a [few different places](https://sources.debian.net/src/r-base/3.4.0-1/src/library/base/R/srcfile.R/)
-that are setting the `wd` field.
-Then after some experimenting, we find that overwriting this in a different
-file (`src/library/tools/R/parseRd.R`) seems to work to get rid of this
-irreproducibility. (This may not be the best; our exact strategy is still being
-discussed with upstream, but at least we know which areas of the code are
-Exercise for the reader to figure out how to get rid of the `paths.rds`
-difference. After doing the previous two, this one is fairly easy.
-These three issues allowed us to write a [preliminary
-patch](https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2017-April/074138.html) that
-enabled us to reproduce
- $ ./r-mini-repro-test.sh r-cran-tensor-1.5 123
- [..]
- bca9de1351ab265475cf6f1af3f6aff49bde1d209e8fafb33954caa8d90f3462 ./debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/R/tensor.rdx
- ac7fffeb751ffc2d13c5317704b19787a7078446d97d1c6f259c93f282e04cef ./debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/R/tensor.rdb
- d989603340d1e8f14c35551ef379956653bf3b6e7b1868b4bf9a66d85820998e ./debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/help/tensor.rdx
- 30e543cda9f97c202dc9c0291933940dfe71b94d352f66d8ed6c035c1a722b41 ./debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/help/tensor.rdb
- e9f78ba2cca39a6face1ed88fce4bb718d911d567d01db49bc00a3011720ac50 ./debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/help/paths.rds
- $ ./r-mini-repro-test.sh r-cran-tensor-1.5 1234
- [..]
- bca9de1351ab265475cf6f1af3f6aff49bde1d209e8fafb33954caa8d90f3462 ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/R/tensor.rdx
- ac7fffeb751ffc2d13c5317704b19787a7078446d97d1c6f259c93f282e04cef ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/R/tensor.rdb
- d989603340d1e8f14c35551ef379956653bf3b6e7b1868b4bf9a66d85820998e ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/help/tensor.rdx
- 30e543cda9f97c202dc9c0291933940dfe71b94d352f66d8ed6c035c1a722b41 ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/help/tensor.rdb
- e9f78ba2cca39a6face1ed88fce4bb718d911d567d01db49bc00a3011720ac50 ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/help/paths.rds
- $ ./r-mini-repro-test.sh r-cran-tensor 1234
- [..]
- bca9de1351ab265475cf6f1af3f6aff49bde1d209e8fafb33954caa8d90f3462 ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/R/tensor.rdx
- ac7fffeb751ffc2d13c5317704b19787a7078446d97d1c6f259c93f282e04cef ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/R/tensor.rdb
- d989603340d1e8f14c35551ef379956653bf3b6e7b1868b4bf9a66d85820998e ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/help/tensor.rdx
- 30e543cda9f97c202dc9c0291933940dfe71b94d352f66d8ed6c035c1a722b41 ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/help/tensor.rdb
- e9f78ba2cca39a6face1ed88fce4bb718d911d567d01db49bc00a3011720ac50 ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/tensor/help/paths.rds
-Testing the patch
-Of course r-cran-tensor is just 1 package, so then we tested this patch on all
-478 [tagged R
-Before the patch, all of these were unreproducible. Now 463/478 are
-reproducible, hurray!
-The first version of the patch made 2 packages FTBFS ("fail to build from
-source"), [[!pkg r-bioc-biobase]] and [[!pkg r-cran-shinybs]]; this was fixed
-in a subsequent version of the patch. (Some other packages, [[!pkg
-r-cran-randomfields]] [[!pkg r-cran-randomfieldsutils]], FTBFS even with an
-unpatched r-base, due to differences between 3.3.3 and 3.4.0 ([[!bug 861333]]),
-and not because of our patch.)
-Given the overwhelming proportion of packages that *did* reproduce, the other
-14 packages that are still unreproducible, are quite probably due to issues in
-those specific packages. Only 2 of these are certainly due to build-path
-differences: [[!pkg r-cran-runit]] [[!pkg r-cran-rinside]]. This is because, we
-currently see they are reproducible in Debian testing but not Debian unstable.
-This is slightly misleading, the real reason is not testing vs unstable
-directly; rather the fact that we (at the time of writing) use the same build
-path when trying to reproduce Debian testing packages, and different paths for
-unstable. The other 12 are unreproducible in both testing and unstable, so it
-either suffers from a non-build-path issue as well as a build-path issue, or
-only a non-build-path issue.
-So, further investigation *of each package* is needed. This is where you can
-help. :)
-Debugging R packages
-To investigate why (for example) [[!pkg r-cran-runit]] doesn't reproduce
-despite our patches, we just do the above process again:
- $ DEBUG=1 ../r-mini-repro-test.sh r-cran-runit
- [..]
- >>> debug(tools:::makeLazyLoadDB)
- >>> tools:::.install_packages()
- processing ‘.’
- a directory
- * build_help_types=
- * DBG: 'R CMD INSTALL' now doing do_install()
- * created lock directory ‘/mystupidbuildpath/r-tests/r-cran-runit/debian/r-cran-runit/usr/lib/R/site-library/00LOCK-r-cran-runit’
- * installing *source* package ‘RUnit’ ...
- ** package ‘RUnit’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
- ** backing up earlier installation
- ** R
- ** inst
- ** preparing package for lazy loading
- debugging in: makeLazyLoadDB(ns, dbbase, compress = compress)
- debug: {
- [.. source code of makeLazyLoadDB ..]
- }
-We know our irreproducibility is with the help files and not the main package,
-so `c` to skip this part:
- >>> c
- exiting from: makeLazyLoadDB(ns, dbbase, compress = compress)
- ** help
- debugging in: makeLazyLoadDB(db, file.path(manOutDir, basename(outDir)))
- debug: {
- [.. source code of makeLazyLoadDB ..]
- }
-Examine the "from" object, grep the output for our builddir
- >>> from
- $`RUnit-internal`
- [..]
- $`RUnit-intro`
- [..]
- [.. etc ..]
- [..]
- $checkFuncs
- \title{RUnit check [..]
- [..]
- For a simple example see the provided test cases in
- /mystupidbuildpath/r-tests/r-cran-runit/debian/r-cran-runit/usr/lib/R/site-library/RUnit/examples/runitVirtualClassTest.r.
- [..]
-Found it, now we quit, patch the source code, and try again.
- >>> Q
- [..]
- exit code 1
- [.. hack hack hack ..]
- $ ../r-mini-repro-test.sh r-cran-runit-0.4.31/ 123
- [..]
- 01347305351a45bb88dab909c56942498e97f5edbe583cf6ab1327138914e315 ./debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/RUnit/R/RUnit.rdx
- ecde40bdfac5b070acc30a0d5889d9d7f65418844d14312aceff6af5b9d0bf7a ./debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/RUnit/R/RUnit.rdb
- 182d38ac5adc160eb9edd40d5bd7e27b95b756b8f14cee7d912ba4745ae81bdc ./debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/RUnit/help/RUnit.rdx
- f8a9f22acc9f937cb47a92f3979d619e83a791ad734796c2fcd9d0a34e1f11ca ./debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/RUnit/help/RUnit.rdb
- 5c37672fdc1f325b8a3846f4eafd2624b246ec70ce01d197134fa1b97a9ee849 ./debian/123/usr/lib/R/site-library/RUnit/help/paths.rds
- $ ../r-mini-repro-test.sh r-cran-runit-0.4.31/ 1234
- [..]
- 01347305351a45bb88dab909c56942498e97f5edbe583cf6ab1327138914e315 ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/RUnit/R/RUnit.rdx
- ecde40bdfac5b070acc30a0d5889d9d7f65418844d14312aceff6af5b9d0bf7a ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/RUnit/R/RUnit.rdb
- 182d38ac5adc160eb9edd40d5bd7e27b95b756b8f14cee7d912ba4745ae81bdc ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/RUnit/help/RUnit.rdx
- f8a9f22acc9f937cb47a92f3979d619e83a791ad734796c2fcd9d0a34e1f11ca ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/RUnit/help/RUnit.rdb
- 5c37672fdc1f325b8a3846f4eafd2624b246ec70ce01d197134fa1b97a9ee849 ./debian/1234/usr/lib/R/site-library/RUnit/help/paths.rds
-Works! All finished. :) If yours doesn't, just repeat the above loop; hopefully
-eventually you'll get there.
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